
delete, renaming, moving tag.

  • yccheok

    yccheok - 2005-01-27

    may i how can i performing
    1. delete tag
    2. renaming tag

    in tkcvs?

    also, i have seen options "move exsiting tag" options during the tag file dialog box prompt up. however, i always get a error message that tag moved is not allowed. any idea on this?

    thank you.



    • DorothyR

      DorothyR - 2005-01-28

      Hm, I don't think we have a button to delete a tag.  The CVS command is "cvs tag -d <tag>".

      CVS itself changed in 1.12, to prevent moving a tag.  I thought we'd done something about that, but I don't see it in the code.  I'm afraid you may have to go back to CVS 1.11.x to get it to work properly.  That's the "stable" version in any case.


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