
tinyTiM - The tiny Topic Maps engine / News: Recent posts

tinyTiM 2.0.0 release

Release of the final ("This is it") version of tinyTiM 2.0.0. This
version is compatible to TMAPI 2.0.x.

Changes as follows:
* Updated TMAPI to 2.0.2 (kept compatibility to 2.0 and 2.0.1)
* Fixed LocatorImpl (the impl. of "equals" was different from the TMAPI 2.0 specs)
* tinyTiM is usable as an OSGi bundle
* Added support to convert XTM 1.0 class-instance relationships to TMDM type-instance relationships
* Added support to convert XTM 1.0 PSIs to TMDM PSIs
* Moved to Ontopia's Compact(Hash|Identity)Set instead relying on Java's default implementations
* Removed support for trove's collections
* Bug #2926983 -- Merging of associations fails

Posted by Lars Heuer 2010-03-19

tinyTiM Map I/O 2.0.0a5 released

* JTMTopicMapReader / JTMTopicMapWriter implement the new JSON Topic Maps
specification (<>
* LTMTopicMapReader: Configurable reification handling

* XTM 2.0 importer sets the reifier of a merged-in topic map to
the master topic map. Correct behaviour: Just import the topic but
loose the reified topic map.
* Validation of XTM 1.0 and 2.0 sources against a RELAX-NG schema
did not work in all cases, fixed in "semagia-mio-xtm-0.9.4.jar"
* XTM 1.0 <mergeMap/> didn't work, fixed
* Bug #2560821 -- XTM 1.0 serializer uses wrong element for type
reported by Jens Rummler
* Bug #2540490 -- Using QName in isa/ako throws syntax error
(CTM libs) reported by Stefan Kesberg
* XTM 1.0 writer forgot to add a <variantName/> element to the output.

Posted by Lars Heuer 2009-07-23

tinyTiM 2.0.0a5 released

* Updated to TMAPI 2.0a2
* Updated TMCL constants (implemented by Hannes Niederhausen)

* Bug #2812460 -- Port the Check class from Ontopia back to tinyTiM
* Bug #2809821 -- Ensure same topic map constraint
* Bug #2561306 -- Move TinyTimMapInputHandler to the core
* Bug #2824834 -- Reifier at duplicate construct fails
* Bug #2824837 -- Same iid at a duplicate statement does not work

Posted by Lars Heuer 2009-07-23

tinyTiM Map I/O released

De-/serialization package for several Topic Maps and RDF syntaxes has been released:

For tinyTiM 1.5 (TMAPI 1.0) use:

Posted by Lars Heuer 2008-12-06

tinyTiM 2.0.0a4 released (TMAPI 2.0)

4th alpha release of the Topic Maps engine tinyTiM 2.0 (for TMAPI 2.0). This release contains zwo bugfixes.

Posted by Lars Heuer 2008-12-06

tinyTiM 1.5.0 beta2 released

2nd beta release of the Topic Maps engine tinyTiM 1.5 (for TMAPI 1.0).
This release contains one bugfix.

Posted by Lars Heuer 2008-11-20

tinyTiM 2.0.0a3 released

3rd alpha release for the TMAPI 2.0 compatible tinyTiM distribution:
This is the first release under the Apache License (previously LGPL) and contains a few bugs fixes.

Posted by Lars Heuer 2008-11-14

tinyTiM moves from LGPL to Apache License 2.0

The next tinyTiM 2.0.0 alpha release will use the Apache License 2.0. All previous versions stay under the LGPL.

Posted by Lars Heuer 2008-09-18

tinyTiM 2.0.0a2 released

2nd alpha 2.0.0 release with better duplicate suppression and therefor less memory usage. <>

Posted by Lars Heuer 2008-09-08

tinyTiM 2.0.0a1 released

New tinyTiM version which implements the TMAPI 2.0a1 interfaces.

Posted by Lars Heuer 2008-08-26

tinyTiM MIO 1.5.0beta released

Release of a new MIO subpackage. Ability to read XTM, CTM, LTM, and Snello Topic Maps syntaxes

Posted by Lars Heuer 2008-08-13

tinyTiM CXTM 1.5.0beta released

Bugfix release of the tinyTiM CXTM subpackage. The CXTM subpackage implements the CXTM draft dtd. 2008-05-15 and is used to serialize topic maps into CXTM.

Unless we get more bug reports, this release will become the official
tinyTiM CXTM 1.5 release in a few weeks.

Posted by Lars Heuer 2008-08-11

tinyTiM 1.5.0 beta released

The tinyTiM project proudly announces the availability of a new
release of the tinyTiM Topic Maps engine.

This release contains two bugfixes.

Unless we get more bug reports, this release will become the official
tinyTiM 1.5 release in a few weeks.

Posted by Lars Heuer 2008-08-08

tinyTiM 1.5.0 alpha 2 released

Second alpha version of the tinyTiM 1.5.0 branch

- ``voc`` package added which provides access to common PSIs.
- ``DuplicateRemovalUtils`` added. Used to remove
duplicate Topic Maps constructs from topic maps, topics,
associations, and names
- ``TypeInstanceConverter`` added. Used to convert
type-instance associations into the topic's [types]
- ``tmapi.TopicNamesIndex``, ``tmapi.OccurrenceIndex``
and ``tmapi.VarinatsIndex`` use an optimized reindex
- Property to let ``Variant`` instances return the union
of their 'own' scope and the parent's scope.... read more

Posted by Lars Heuer 2008-05-05

tinyTiM 1.5.0 alpha released

The complete rewritten tinyTiM was released. It requires Java >= 1.5.

Posted by Lars Heuer 2008-04-25

Fixed Variant-Scope Bug

Lars Heuer added a Patch to CVS to fix an ugly Variant-Scope bug... thx

Posted by Stefan Lischke 2005-10-11

tinyTIM redesigned

tinyTIM has been redesigned to allow other TMAPI implementations ontop of it.... this snapshot release also contains now fully compliant merging by fixing some ugly bugs... thanx for all input

Posted by Stefan Lischke 2004-12-01

tinyTIM final released

After completion of TMAPI final, now there is a final version of the Topic Map engine tinyTIM available.

Posted by Stefan Lischke 2004-10-22

tinyTIM beta released

tinyTIM beta is updated to the TMAPI beta Interfaces

Posted by Stefan Lischke 2004-05-06

TMAPI alpha released

TMAPI alpha is released on 8.4.2004 .... There will be an update of tinyTIM available on 14.4.2004

Posted by Stefan Lischke 2004-04-11

TMAPI release soon

TMAPI will be soon released, so please check tinyTIM CVS to see the latest TMAPI changes implementations.

Posted by Stefan Lischke 2004-03-27