
Release 0.7

We enhanced the query filter. Now you can use "like" and "ilike" (case insensitive like) for strings.

You can also test the size of collections with the Filter.sizeXX() restrictions.

We also added some syntax sugar to the models. In addition to the method PType.putAttribute(name, valueClass), which returns a PAttribute, you can also use PType.put(name, valueClass), which returns self, and chain calls:

PType contact = repository.createType("contact")
.put("name", PAttribute.STRING)
.put("email", PAttribute.STRING)
.put("birthday", PAttribute.DATE_MIDNIGHT)

Also, when you call setters on PObject, it returns self too:

PObject obj = contact.newInstance()
.set("name", "Tiago")
.set("email", "tminc at")
.set("birthday", new DateMidnight(1979, 8, 24));

Posted by Tiago Silveira 2006-06-16

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