
Time Plan / News: Recent posts

Time Plan 0.1 Alpha2 released

Time Plan 0.1 Alpha2 has just been released, with lots of fixes everywhere, and some new features.

Hilights in this release:
* Major code cleanup/reorganization
* Nicer looking output
* View the schedule of other dates
* More files to input schedule data in

You can download Time Plan 0.1 Alpha2 here:

Posted by TPC 2006-06-08

Time Plan 0.1 Alpha1 released

The first alpha release of Time Plan has just been uploaded. Time Plan is a command-line app for unix-like systems that allows you to organize what to do with your time.

You put into configuration files things you have to do, and things you want to do, and things you want to do. You specify about how long each thing will take, and you can optionally specify a specific date and/or time that it will happen. you can also specify regular tasks, 'do this every day' or 'do this every sunday'. Other ways of listing tasks exist too, like 'do a random thing from this list each day'.... read more

Posted by TPC 2006-06-05