
Tilemaster - Paint and manage tile sets / News: Recent posts

Tilemaster 0.37 is out!

Changes in Tilemaster v0.37 since v0.36a:

- Paste image function from system clipboard added.
- New "Adjust Hue and Saturation" plugin.
- New "Adjust Lightness" plugin.
- New function "copy from tile".
- Tile anchor point support added.
- Tile sheets now support different tile strides.

Posted by Hajo 2012-10-02

Tilemaster 0.36 is out!

Changes in Tilemaster v0.36a since v0.35:

- Some plugins did not close files correctly, which sometimes resulted in data loss. This should be fixed in v0.36
- Default canvas size was shrunk to 256x256, but image import now asks about the canvas size if a bigger image is imported.
- New tile "Anti Alias" plugin.
- New "Extract Shape" tool.
- New selection "As Mask" tool.
- New "Letter Tiles" plugin.
- New "Adjust Hue" plugin.
- "Set background color" option moved into the edit menu.
- "Crop Tile" got hotkey alt-c

Posted by Hajo 2012-09-20

Tilemaster 0.35 is out!

Tilemaster v0.35 has only few new functions. The biggest change is that color and gradient fill tools now can handle a tolerance setting for the colored area to fill. That means is you have an area to fill, which is not exactly one color, but a few very similar shades of a color, the tolerance setting can help to treat all shades as once color and fill the area completely.

Changes in Tilemaster v0.35 since v0.34:... read more

Posted by Hajo 2012-05-23

Tilemaster 0.34 is out!

The Tilemaster v0.34 release has relatively few new functions. The most notable change is
the new file selector which will keep track of all directory where you opened files or have
files written to. This will allow quick navigation between your most used folders. At the
moment the history is not persistent but will be kept only during the current session.

I could only test this feature with Windows, so I have no idea if it will work with Unix and
Mac OS, and can only hope that it will not cause problems there. Tilemaster tries to preset
the history list with a few useful entries. On Windows those are the drive letters, on Linux
I'd expect that only the file system root shows up there, but without chance to test, I can't
know. In the worst case the code to preset the history will crash on Unix or Mac OS, and
make the file selector unusable. In this case, please report the bug and continue to use
Tilemaster v0.33 until I could fix the problem.... read more

Posted by Hajo 2012-01-06

Tilemaster v0.33 is out!

This release has relatively few new functions, but more example tile sets bundled. I don't know though how useful they will be for someone who is already into game development, but I think it's good anyways to have some more examples bundled with the releases.

Changes in Tilemaster v0.33 since v0.32:

- New additional example tile sets and additional tiles for existing sets.
- New "Spraycan" tool plugin.
- "Push range" and "Pop range" tools for colormap editor .
- Image export takes default filename from first string attribute of tile.
- Image exports got hotkeys.
- Helpful tooltips for color editor buttons.
- Scroll canvas left-right by using Shift-Mousewheel.
- Scroll canvas up-down by using Ctrl-Mousewheel.
- Better cursor indicator for tiling previews.
- New "Reduce to Colormap" tile transform.
- New "Crop Tile" transform.... read more

Posted by Hajo 2011-12-17

Tilemaster 0.32 is out!

Tilemaster v0.32 was built with a new Ant based build system and it is the first release which was built this way. There is a chance that something is missing or does not work as it did before. If you have problems to run Tilemaster v0.32 or if you think there are missing files please file a problem report in the tracker.

This release has relatively few new functions, but more example tile sets bundled. ... read more

Posted by Hajo 2011-12-11

Tilemaster 0.31 is out!

Tilemaster 0.31 features a bigger set of gradient and contour filling tools, along with a good number of minor and not-so-minor UI improvements. Also it allows to store a tile catalog and all accompanied images in a .zip file and use that as file format for tile sets.

Another, most likely important change if one wants to use Tilemaster for editing larger images is the option to set the painting canvas size to arbitrary values up to 32000x32000 pixels. But I doubt that the current release is very suitable for such big images, using up to 1500 or so pixels should be alright, though.

Posted by Hajo 2011-12-02

Tilemaster 0.30 is out!

Tilemaster v0.30 was released. It includes a fancy contour/gradient filling tool, and a number of minor fixes and improvements. Also included are two new plugin tools to interpolate pixels based on their 4 and 8 neighbors.

Posted by Hajo 2011-11-25