
#790 Issue with TexStudio : Exception_Access_Violation


I am experiencing an issue since I have installed the last Texstudio update : the program crashes after 5 minutes when I am writing, with a box saying "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at 600ca4". I can indeed click "ok" and keep on writing, but the bug re-appears again and again each time I write a word or try to save.
I have tried to re-install the program but the error remains. Any idea of what is happening ? Thanks for any help provided...


Bugs: #790


  • DeGoulde

    DeGoulde - 2013-08-16

    By the way, this is TexStudio v. 262 win 32.

    I am using Windows Seven 64.

  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2013-08-17
    1. There should be a file "texstudio_backtrace[number].txt" in your TEMP directory. Please provide this, so we can see where the error comes from.

    2. Does it happen with every file you edit?

  • DeGoulde

    DeGoulde - 2013-08-17

    Hello Tim,

    Here are the files.
    It seems that it happens with every file I tried to edit, but in an
    unpredictable way -it can work properly for half an hour, and then crash-.
    Anyway, many thanks for replying, and for any help provided.

    2013/8/17 Tim Hoffmann


    There should be a file "texstudio_backtrace[number].txt" in your TEMP
    directory. Please provide this, so we can see where the error comes from.

    Does it happen with every file you edit?

    Status: open
    Created: Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:31 PM UTC by DeGoulde
    Last Updated: Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:32 PM UTC
    Owner: nobody

    I am experiencing an issue since I have installed the last Texstudio
    update : the program crashes after 5 minutes when I am writing, with a box
    saying "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at 600ca4". I can indeed click "ok" and
    keep on writing, but the bug re-appears again and again each time I write a
    word or try to save.
    I have tried to re-install the program but the error remains. Any idea of
    what is happening ? Thanks for any help provided...

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    Bugs: #790

    Last edit: DeGoulde 2013-08-17
  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2013-08-18

    Ok, it has something to do with inline spellchecking. Though from the backtrace alone I cannot see the cause. As a workaround for daily work you can switch of the inline spellchecking in the options. That should prevent the crash.

    Anyway I'd like to fix the cause of this. Have you changed anything form the default settings concerning spellchecking? Could you provide a (possibly small) sample file with which you encountered a crash?

    All the above backtraces are essentially the same. For reference to the other developers, I've attached backtrace1 with resolved code lines.


    Last edit: Tim Hoffmann 2013-08-18
  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2013-08-19

    Since the crash occurs in hunspell code, I'm not sure if it's a bug from them or if we supply false data to hunspell. Anyway, I've created an executable using the newest hunspell version (ours was a bit outdated).

    Could you please try it out?

    1. Download it from here:

    2. Rename you original texstudio.exe (e.g. to texstudio.exe.bak).

    3. Copy the new exe into the folder.

    4. Do the crashes still happen?

    (5. If possible, please also answer my questions in the previous post)

  • DeGoulde

    DeGoulde - 2013-08-24

    Sorry not to have replied earlier : mysteriously, the soft did not bug for almost a week, and now it's coming back. I did not change anything regarding to spell-checking options, apart from the fact that I'm using a French dictionnary.

    I have just set up the exe you provided, I'll keep you updated if anything goes wrong...
    By the way, the file I'm writing is quite long, like files of 1600 lines+a parent file...Not sure you want to see that, but if so please give me an email address, as this text cannot be public...

  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2013-08-24

    Is it the French dictionary supplied with TXS or a custom one?

    As long as there is no reproducible way to reproduce the crash (or at least a recipe, that leads to it most of the times), it is hard for me to investigate it further. So I don't see a need for the tex files at the moment.

    For now just keep us informed if it's reappearing or not.

  • Benito van der Zander

    • status: open --> fixed
    • Group: -->
  • Benito van der Zander

    probably fixed by Hunspell update


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