
#759 A font priority bug in Chinese language environment.


I am a chinese user. As i know there are many users in China/Taiwan with chinese language environment.
From version 2.8, 2.82, we have a new problem with the new QT libarary:
If we select an english font in 'Editor--Font Family', when we type chinese charactors, the chinese font use an obsolete font 'MingLiU', it is so werird. No one like to use such an ugly old font now.

And before version 2.7, If we select an english font in 'Editor--Font Family', the default corresponding chinese font is 'SimSun' in Simplified Chinese language environment. It is cool.

As I know, 'MingLiU' font is used to display chinese characters when QT can not find a designated chinese font. I don't know if there is no configuration in you QT lib for designating a common default chinese font for english font famliy, like the version before 2.7?

I hope you could improve it. Thank you for your hard work!

BTW, There are so many people use your app in China, we are all like it!

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  • ollydbg

    ollydbg - 2014-08-22

    I have another issue, it looks like some times, the Chinese character extrude to English characters after it. See the screen shot below.

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2014-08-22

    which OS are you using ?

    @ ollydbg: please open a bug report of your own and provide a text file which contains the offending characters.

    • Jhering

      Jhering - 2014-08-23

      Windows 7

  • Jhering

    Jhering - 2014-08-23

    Win 7

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2014-08-25

    not easily changeable.

    It is not a bug per se.
    The font fall-back function is described rather scarcely, so not easy to change without direct feedback.

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2014-08-25

    Ticket moved from /p/texstudio/bugs/1074/



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