
tease (text editing and scripting env) / News: Recent posts

tease 1.3.1 released

Tease 1.3.1 was released on Sep 24, 2005.

Tease is a text editor, written entirely in tcl/tk, for use on win32 and unix. It is designed for developers and development-support types who want to have a common, intuitable, and fast editor across O/S's.

New features in 1.3.1 are:
* bookmarks menu and configuration window, including a post-open
action such as sort, decrypt, or run
* command menu and configuration area allowing variables %FILE%
(full file path), %NAME%, %DIR%, and %EXT%. Sample win32 commands
for command prompt and explorer included.... read more

Posted by chess hazlett 2005-09-25

tease 1.3.0 released

Tease 1.3.0 was released on June 30, 2005.

The new features in 1.3.0 are:
* single-window or separate GUI modes
* "search all" open windows (in single mode)
* better GUI for scripting output window
* show/hide tcl console on win32
* windows DDE ditched in favor of COM API via "winsend" package

...added to the existing features...
* fast context-menu commenting of code, including multi-line comments (/* */, , etc), and easy association of comments with filetypes
* output panel with one-click script execution (in unix AND windows!)
* "recent files" quick loading
* fast upper-and-lower-casing of selected text
* native tcl tail-f
* multiple line-by-line sort options (increasing/decreasing/unique)
* excellent search/replace, including "replace all" and regexp search
* unlimited undo/redo
* "single" and "separate" document interfaces, with more variants (tabs) to come
* ASCII-text-based encryption (see notice at bottom of\)... read more

Posted by chess hazlett 2005-06-30

tease 1.2.1 released

Tease is a text editor written in tcl/tk for use on win32 systems and unix. It is designed for developers and development-support types who want to have a common, easy-to-transition-into setup across O/S's. Tease offers an uncommon, broadening tool set, and provides it in a fast, intuitable GUI environ. 1.2.1 is a bug-fix release. A number of bugs relating to spaces in filenames, and file loading and saving were the bulk of the fixes in this build.... read more

Posted by chess hazlett 2004-10-28

tease 1.2.0 released

Tease 1.2.0 was released on August 6, 2004.

The new features in 1.2.0 are:
* multi-line comments (/* */, , etc)
* easy-configurable filetype/comment window
* new output panel and one-click script execution (in unix AND windows!)
* "recent files" quick loading
* new config file format
* new color selection window
* new line-based load routine, so you can start to read large files immediately... read more

Posted by chess hazlett 2004-08-07

tease 1.1.0 released

tease (text editing and scripting environment), language: tcl/tk, using freewrap and tkprint, dual-OS (win32, unix) editor with: basic encryption, fast commenting of code, excellent search/replace (regexp, too), unlimited undo/redo, more features

Tease 1.1.0 was released on July 1, 2004.

The new features in 1.1.0 are:
* fast context-menu upper-and-lower-casing of selected text
* execlog capability (kick off a process, read its stdout)
* expanded color selection (text, bg, selection)
* native tcl tail-f
* expanded sort options (increasing/decreasing/unique)... read more

Posted by chess hazlett 2004-07-02