
#570 Categories (Link with task)


Here we use Task coach in a small group and we must the same list of categories for all (everyone uses the same list); any changes or upgrades in ‘categories’ must be done in a single file called 'categoria.tsk' ( I created to always keep this list updated for everybody) and, monthly, each one must upgrade your file (to merge). Here is the problem: when the mixture is done, the link of the task with its category is lost. We have here a lot of tasks and, every time the mixture is done, we need to categorize every one tasks ( a hard work for all). Is it possible to solve it? Thanks.


  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2009-10-20

    Hi Wagner,

    I tested this as follows:
    - I created a "categories.tsk" with one category (cat1)
    - I saved and closed "categories.tsk"
    - I created a "my tasks.tsk" with one task (task1)
    - With "my tasks.tsk" still opened I merged "categories.tsk"
    - This loaded cat1 in "my tasks.tsk"
    - I added task1 to cat1
    - I saved and closed "my tasks.tsk"
    - I opened "categories.tsk" and added cat2
    - I saved and closed "categories.tsk"
    - I opened "my tasks.tsk" and merged "categories.tsk"
    - This loaded cat2; task1 was still linked to cat1.

    What are you doing differently?

    Thanks, Frank

  • Wagner Rogerio

    Wagner Rogerio - 2009-10-24


  • Wagner Rogerio

    Wagner Rogerio - 2009-10-24


  • Wagner Rogerio

    Wagner Rogerio - 2009-10-24


  • Wagner Rogerio

    Wagner Rogerio - 2009-10-24

    Hi Frank. I did the test again. See:

    • I have a "wagner.tsk" with 100 tasks aproximatelly;
    • I have a "categorias.tsk" with 150 machines;
    • I get some tasks and linked to the relatives categories;
    • After this, I merge again the "categories.tsk" to update "wagner.tsk";
    • All links have been lost. When I open some task, any link to some categorie appears.

    I'll try to attch images to show this process.
    Thanks for your answer and attention.

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2009-10-24

    Hi Wagner,

    What happens if you do this (follow the steps exactly):
    1. Make backup copies of both wagner.tsk and categorias.tsk (just to be safe)
    2. Open wagner.tsk in Task Coach
    3. Delete all categories from wagner.tsk
    3. File->Merge and select categorias.tsk
    4. Link one task to one category.
    5. Save wagner.tsk
    6. Open categorias.tsk in Task Coach
    7. Add a new category.
    8. Save categorias.tsk
    9. Open wagner.tsk
    10. Tell me whether the task you linked to the category in step 4 is still linked to that same category.

    Thanks, Frank

  • Wagner Rogerio

    Wagner Rogerio - 2009-10-26

    Hi Frank. Yes, this way the task is still linked with its category.
    But this is because I didn't merge 'categories.tsk' with the main file (wagner.tsk) again, did it?
    See, from what I understand, if I make some change in 'categories.tsk', it won't reflect in the main file unless I merge both the files. Am I right?
    In your example, after I have done everything you said, I open 'wagner.tsk' and merge with 'categories.tsk; the link was lost.
    I hope I'm making myself clear. :-)

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2009-10-26

    Yes, this way the task is still linked with its category.
    But this is because I didn't merge 'categories.tsk' with the main file
    (wagner.tsk) again, did it?

    Oops, you're right. I forgot step 9.5 :-) Between step 9 and 10 you'll have to merge categorias.tsk again (like in step 3).

    I just tested again with release 0.75.0 and it works for me. What version are you using?

    Thanks, Frank

  • Wagner Rogerio

    Wagner Rogerio - 2009-10-27


  • Wagner Rogerio

    Wagner Rogerio - 2009-10-27


  • Wagner Rogerio

    Wagner Rogerio - 2009-10-27


  • Wagner Rogerio

    Wagner Rogerio - 2009-10-27


  • Wagner Rogerio

    Wagner Rogerio - 2009-10-27


  • Wagner Rogerio

    Wagner Rogerio - 2009-10-27


  • Wagner Rogerio

    Wagner Rogerio - 2009-10-27


  • Wagner Rogerio

    Wagner Rogerio - 2009-10-27


  • Wagner Rogerio

    Wagner Rogerio - 2009-10-27


  • Wagner Rogerio

    Wagner Rogerio - 2009-10-27


  • Wagner Rogerio

    Wagner Rogerio - 2009-10-27


  • Wagner Rogerio

    Wagner Rogerio - 2009-10-27

    Frank, I'm using the release 0.75.0 too (October 24 ).
    I'll download some pictures; please, follow each picture with relative topic below:

    Task-1: I created a 'new categorie'...
    Task-2: ... and I save the file as "categorie-1.tsk".
    Task-3: I open a new file and create a 'new task';
    Task-4: New task was created.
    Task-5: I merged 'categorie-1.tsk' that I had created and merge it;
    Task-6: I edit the task and linked with a 'new categorie';
    Task-7: I chose "new categorie" and the relative task is active;
    Task-8: If I edit 'New Task', the categorie that it is related is linked;
    Task-9: I merge 'categorie-1' again, like we do here with our original files;
    Task-10: I edit 'new task' and the link is lost;
    Task-11: If I select 'new categorie', there are no related task (the link really lost).

    It´s a mistery. :-)

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2009-10-27

    Hi Wagner,

    Now I see it: the link is indeed lost. I didn't spot it before because the category column in the task viewer was not properly updated and kept showing the linked category. Opening the task in the task edit dialog showed that the link was indeed lost.

    I'm changing this into a bug report.

    Cheers, Frank

  • Wagner Rogerio

    Wagner Rogerio - 2009-10-28

    Ok, Frank. I'm happy you have understood the situation. If you set this bug, we thank you a lot because it will simplify the search for tasks here. Thanks for your attention and sorry my mistakes in English grammar.

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2009-10-28

    A fix was made and checked into the source code repository of Task Coach. The fix will be part of the next release. You will get another notification when that release is available with the request to install the new release and confirm that your issue has indeed been fixed.

    If you like, you can download a recent build from to test the fix.

    Because a fix has been made for this bug report, the priority of this report has been lowered to 1 and its resolution has been set to 'Fixed'.

    Thanks, Task Coach development team

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2009-11-07

    This bug should be fixed in the latest release of Task Coach. Can
    you please install the latest release of Task Coach and confirm
    that this bug has indeed been fixed?

    Thanks, Task Coach development team

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