
#487 New Viewer settings are not retained


Dont know if this is a bug or new feature. I am unable to have different setting for the three viewer I have created, one each for today's, tomorrow and total tasks. Request to provide users with abilty to set seperate hide and show settings for each viewer.


  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2009-07-07

    To better investigate the bug you reported we'd like you to attach the file 'TaskCoach.ini' to this bug report.

    If you're on Windows, the TaskCoach.ini file is located in the Application Data folder of Task Coach. This is usually
    'C:\Documents and Settings\<your username>\Application Data\TaskCoach'.

    If you're on Linux, the TaskCoach.ini file is located in the .TaskCoach subdirectory of your home directory. So this would usually be '/home/<your username="">/.TaskCoach'.

    If you're on Mac OS X, the TaskCoach.ini file is located in the .TaskCoach subdirectory of your home directory. So this would usually be '/home/<your username="">/.TaskCoach'.

    The TaskCoach.ini file only contains settings, no personal data. Feel free to check though; it is a text file that you can view with any text editor such as for example Notepad.

    Thanks, Task Coach development team

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2009-08-03


    I cannot replicate your problem. I can open three different task viewers, with one showing all tasks, one showing tasks due today and one showing tasks due this week. If I close Task Coach and restart it again, it shows the same layout with the same filters. Please help me to reproduce your problem by attaching the TaskCoach.ini file as I asked before and by providing any other information that might help me.

    Thanks, Frank

  • NB973

    NB973 - 2009-08-04
  • NB973

    NB973 - 2009-08-04

    Hi, I tried again today but I still see the same issue. I have uploaded my ini file .

    Thank you.

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2009-08-04


    I still cannot replicate the issue. Can you check for a taskcoach.exe.log file in the folder where Task Coach is installed and attach it here as well? I suspect something goes wrong while Task Coach is saving or reading your settings.

    Thanks, Frank

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2009-08-04

    To better investigate the bug you reported we'd like you to attach the file 'taskcoach.exe.log' to this bug report. The taskcoach.exe.log file is generated by Task Coach when something unexpected happens. If present, it is located in the folder where you installed Task Coach. This is usually 'C:\Program Files\TaskCoach'.

    The taskcoach.exe.log file should only contain error messages, no personal data. Feel free to check though; it is a text file that you can view with any text editor such as for example Notepad.

    Thanks, Task Coach development team

  • NB973

    NB973 - 2009-08-05
  • NB973

    NB973 - 2009-08-05
  • NB973

    NB973 - 2009-08-05
  • NB973

    NB973 - 2009-08-05

    Hi Frank,

    I have uploaded the log file in three parts due to the size limit.
    Also I see a strange problem now. I cannot rename any task viewer other that first one which is opened when task coach starts. Also I cannot close the initial task viewer.


  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2009-08-05

    Hi Narasimha,

    That the first task viewer cannot be closed is intentional: it makes sure at least one viewer is open.

    Since your taskcoach.exe.log is so big I am suspecting a lot of messages may be caused by older versions of Task Coach. Can you please try the following:
    - Remove the taskcoach.exe.log file
    - Remove your TaskCoach.ini file
    - Uninstall Task Coach
    - Install the latest version of Task Coach.
    - Open Task Coach
    - Try to open new viewers and change filters and so on
    - Close Task Coach
    - Check for a (new) taskcoach.exe.log file and attach it here if you find one
    - Reopen Task Coach and verifiy that the viewer settings you changed are still changed
    - Close Task Coach
    - Check for a (new) taskcoach.exe.log again and attach it here if you find it.

    Thanks, Frank

  • Aaron Wolf

    Aaron Wolf - 2012-09-17

    As this was a long time since last reply, I'm closing the report. I think this should be working now. There's independent feature requests at UserVoice for more independent control over separate viewers anyway.
    Cheers, Aaron

  • Aaron Wolf

    Aaron Wolf - 2012-09-17
    • status: open --> closed
    • priority: 3 --> 1

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