
#1450 Tasks belonging to categories in Windows 7 TK 1.3.31 not displayed when clicking on these categories on mobile


Hi, first, very good tool, congratulations.
I create some tasks and select categorie(s) for some of them under Windows TK 1.3.31.
Runs perfectly.
Sync using iPhone 4.
I can display all tasks and the complete tree.
But when I click on the iPhone on the categories, no task is listed.
Thanks for your help, and this good job.


  • Aaron Wolf

    Aaron Wolf - 2013-08-24

    I suspect that you simply did not give these tasks a planned start date and that on Windows you are set to view inactive tasks but the iOS is set to hide them. Check on the iOS in the settings of the app whether you are hiding inactive tasks.

  • Aaron Wolf

    Aaron Wolf - 2013-08-24
    • status: open --> waiting
  • Giovanni Campogrande

    Hi Aaron, the same problem. All my tasks have start date and planned start date correctly set, but I can see them only in Complete tree and none of them appear under each category.

    Many Yhanks

  • jpp

    jpp - 2013-08-28

    Hi, I've given to those tasks a start and end date, and the IOS settings is set to display them. Thanks in advance

  • Aaron Wolf

    Aaron Wolf - 2013-08-28
    • status: waiting --> open
    • Priority: 1 --> 6
  • Jérome Laheurte

    Works perfectly for me. Could you give a step-by-step example ?

  • Jérome Laheurte

    • assigned_to: Jérome Laheurte
  • jpp

    jpp - 2013-08-30

    1. Under windows, I create 1 task "MacroTask" (with start date and end date),
    2. under this task, I create a sub-task : sub_task (with start date and end date),
    3. I select the category for this sub_task, for example "COURSES",
    4. Perfectly displayed in Windows,
    5. I perform a Sync from my iPhone, (Settings : show ended tasks, inactives, compact)
    6. I can't see this macroTask and its sub_task in the iPhone "Categories" screen when I select a Category while I can see all tasks when I click on "All" tasks.
    Thanks for your help


    Last edit: jpp 2013-08-30
  • jpp

    jpp - 2013-08-30


  • Giovanni Campogrande

    I confirm the problem using very similar step-by-step procedure.
    Latest release:, August 30, 2013

    Considering that jpp is using French version and I'm using Italian version, the problem could be related to languages other then english ?

    Many Thanks.

  • jpp

    jpp - 2013-08-30



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