
#1244 Typing different numbers in snooze dialog not registering

Aaron Wolf

I chose 5 minutes, but then replaced the 5 with a 1, but the snooze still lasted for 5 minutes.
I think it would be nice if the snooze just had a dropdown for minutes/hours/days/weeks and a separate dropdown for numbers that could also be entered by typing.
If this is done right, it would allow typing a number and then hitting tab to highlight the minutes/hours/days/weeks dropdown and then typing the first letter should automatically select the appropriate part of the dropdown menu.

Also side note: the checkbox to make the new snooze time default should remember it's last setting. If I have that unchecked, it should stay unchecked in the future.


  • Aaron Wolf

    Aaron Wolf - 2012-08-21

    also, a more clear option for "dismiss" should be available in snooze. In other words, a close button that does not cause a snooze. A button which turns off the reminder without completing the task.

  • Aaron Wolf

    Aaron Wolf - 2012-08-21

    Umm, about that last uncessary comment: I just meant that "don't snooze" should be a button at the bottom instead of an option within the time selection.

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2012-08-22

    Hi Aaron,

    The bug was that the combobox was not readonly. Fixed that.

    Allowing for typed in snooze times would be a feature request. Removing the OK button and replacing it with a "Close and snooze" button and a "Close without snoozing" button would also be a (separate) feature request. Please add them to UserVoice if you haven't already; both are good ideas.

    Thanks, Frank

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2012-08-22

    A fix was made and checked into the source code repository of Task Coach. The fix will be part of the next release. You will get another notification when that release is available with the request to install the new release and confirm that your issue has indeed been fixed.

    If you like, you can download a recent build from to test the fix before the next release is available.

    Because a fix has been made for this bug report, the priority of this report has been lowered to 1 and its resolution has been set to 'Fixed'. Please keep the status of the bug report 'Open' until the next release is available to prevent duplicate bug reports.

    Thanks, Task Coach development team

  • Aaron Wolf

    Aaron Wolf - 2012-08-23

    Ok, got it!

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2012-08-28

    This bug should be fixed in the latest release of Task Coach. Can
    you please install the latest release of Task Coach and confirm
    that this bug has indeed been fixed?

    Thanks, Task Coach development team

  • Aaron Wolf

    Aaron Wolf - 2012-09-26
    • status: pending --> closed

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