
duplicate key on "sym_incoming_batch_pkey" when adding a table only on server locks the pull on a table

  • Mario Di Ruscio

    Mario Di Ruscio - 2015-03-31


    I have a system with a server and a client on postgres db.
    I add a new table "my_table" on the server database but not in the client database.
    When the client try to connect to the server
    -an exception is raised for duplicate primary key in sym_incoming_batch table.
    -in the client table sym_incoming_batch is generated a record with status='ER'
    and sql_message='Could not find the target table my_table'
    This is ok but when i add the table on the client and restart symmetric-ds but
    the error still stays on and the pull of data on my_table doesn't works.
    At the end i drop the record in sym_incoming_batch with status='ER' an restart symmetric-ds
    and the synchronization works.

    My questions are:
    1.there is a way to resolve this lock operating only on server ?
    2.why symmetric-ds retry the insert on the sym_incoming_batch
    table and doesn't update it ?
    3.What is the best way to upgrade the server database before the client database?

    Thanks in advance.


    Last edit: Mario Di Ruscio 2015-03-31
  • Chris Henson

    Chris Henson - 2015-04-04

    Can you post the stack trace? You should never get an dupe pk error for sym_incoming_batch.

    If you want the client to ignore the fact that my_table is missing you can set dataloader.ignore.missing.tables=true


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