
BLOB column on android not correctly loaded

  • Al_

    Al_ - 2014-03-23


    A sqlite database on android is loaded (initial load) from a sqlite master database running on a linux server. All tables and columns are populated as expected, except a BLOB column (the only BLOB column in the database); other columns of that table populate correctly. The same sqlite master database properly loads a sqlite client database running on a Ubuntu client machine, including the BLOB column that fails on android.

    Inspecting the android database, the BLOB column is filled with '[B@' followed by a 8-digit hexadecimal number; looks to me like addresses. The correct content would be 1000 - 2000 bytes.

    It looks to me like a bug, but it would be surprisng that noone has stumbled over it so far, as it so obvious.

    Any suggestions?

  • Al_

    Al_ - 2014-04-14


    Has anyone sync'ed BLOB from sqlite to sqlite?

  • Chris Henson

    Chris Henson - 2014-04-21

    What is the table definition on the android device and on the sqlite master?

  • Al_

    Al_ - 2014-04-26

    Hi Chris

    Thanks for looking into this issue.

    The table definition is identical on the server, on the linux client (ubuntu; BLOB initial_load works) and on the android device (BLOB not loaded):

    sqlite> select * from sqlite_master where name="Laender";
    table|Laender|Laender|5|CREATE TABLE Laender (LaenderNr INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, Land TEXT UNIQUE COLLATE NOCASE, Abkuerzung TEXT UNIQUE CHECK(length(Abkuerzung)=2 OR Abkuerzung='?'), Flagge BLOB)


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