
Replication setup Client-Server mode

  • ZJZ

    ZJZ - 2016-05-16

    I am trying to set up a replication between two databases, e.g. db1 -> db2.
    db1 is on Client and db2 is on Server.

    The Client and Server are not in the same network environment.
    Only one-way ping works.
    Client ---ping OK---> Server
    Client <---ping NG--- Server

    The master db is also on the Server, which has the definition of all the triggers, node group, etc.

    The problem:
    The SymmetricDS running on the Client can't get registered with the Server.

    Below is the log:
    [testclient-001] - RegistrationService - This node is unregistered. It will attempt to register using the registration.url
    [testclient-001] - DataLoaderService - Using registration URL of
    [testclient-001] - RegistrationService - The request to register failed because the client failed to connect to the server
    [testclient-001] - RegistrationService - Could not register. Sleeping before attempting again.
    [testclient-001] - RegistrationService - Sleeping for 25000ms

    The properties file on the Client only has registration.url defined. The sync.url is commmented out. As someone mentioned in another thread saying that the node which has no children doesn't need the sync.url.

    My Question:
    1) Is SymmetricDS designed to work in the above network environment (only one-way ping works)?
    2) If SymmetricDS can work in such network, how to get it work?



    Last edit: ZJZ 2016-05-16
  • Ryan Sunderhaus

    Ryan Sunderhaus - 2016-06-22

    1) Yes, SymmetricDS should work if the group link is set such that the client initiates communicaiton with the server.
    2) You can use tools such as cURL and wget to make sure that the communicaiton is open between the two. You could also paste the URL listed in the log in a browser to see the CSV data.


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