
Find folders

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    How do I find folders, even if they contain no files?  If I do "sfk ff \test", I find all folders named "test", but only if they have files in them, if they have no files, it doesn't find them.

    Thanks for a great tool, and thanks in advance for any suggestions on the above.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I think the following works.  Is it the easiest/only way?  Thanks.

      sfk sel -justdirs | sfk filter -+\test

    • stahlworks

      stahlworks - 2008-03-29

      The SFK commands are optimized for the filtering of filenames,
      so processing of directories is a bit more difficult.
      Indeed, "sfk sel -justdirs" is the only way so far,
      but you may type it shorter:

         sfk sel -justdirs . +filt -+\test

      Note that "sfk sel -justdirs" requires at least one
      directory parameter to allow subsequent command chaining,
      therefore "." was inserted.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thank you.


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