
SwingWT / News: Recent posts

SwingWT 0.89 Released

This release contains lots of fixes and compatibility improvements, including support for AudioClip and SWT 3.2

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2007-08-21

SwingWT 0.88 Released

This release adds many bug fixes and much improved Java2D support - good enough to use SwingWT's AWT to run "real" Swing (see AWTonSwingWT module in the repository)

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2006-08-07

SwingWT 0.87 Released

This release adds Improvements to JFileChooser, DefaultTreeCellEditor implementation, many MacOSX bugs fixed, fixed broken AWT wrappers, many compatibility methods added and massively improved font support.

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2005-06-02

SwingWT 0.86 Released

This release adds a custom JTable implementation using JFace, SWT 3.1M for massive performance improvements on GTK2 platforms, Polygon support for Graphics2D, StyledDocument and JTextPane support, better pixmap handling across platforms and many bug/compatibility fixes.

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2005-01-21

SwingWT 0.85 Released

This release contains many bug and compatibility fixes, SWT 3.0.1, preliminary support for StyledDocument/JEditorPane, pluggable editorpanes so it is easy to remove GTK2/Mozilla dependency, patched SWT source for all platforms and a new classloader to dynamically switch Swing for SwingWT on the fly.

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2004-11-02

SwingWT 0.84 Released

This release adds support for MacOS X, an automated test framework based on Mauve/JUnit and many bug fixes.

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2004-06-29

SwingWT 0.83 Released

This version adds Mauve test integration, binary compatibility with real Swing constants, Linux Makefile, a build script to make javax/java packages for non-Sun VMs, PlainDocument support, Swing border support and too many fixes/compatibility improvements to list.

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2004-05-07

SwingWT 0.82 Released

This release adds; SWT 3.0M8, A native Linux build script for GCJ, double-buffered graphics contexts, new JTaskTrayItem component for accessing the Win32 Task Tray/GNOME notification area, virtual JTable support massively improving performance, JSpinner component implemented, InputMap support, full JTable and JTree CellEditor support, JTree default images, ListSelectionModel support and many fixes (particularly for Win32).

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2004-04-22

SwingWT 0.81 Released

This release adds: Full Kaffe support with start scripts, correct Swing Icon interface support at last, event model improvements, Eclipse plugin compatibility, JRootPane support and corrected Window hierarchy, JTextComponent support and many fixes/compatibility methods.

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2004-03-31

SwingWT 0.80 Released

This release adds: Asynchronous threading issues with JTable/JList fixed, version feedback, many compatibility fixes for GIJ/GCJ, uses SWT3.0M7, new JLookupPopup component (fast combo replacement), ScrollPane bugs fixed, support for different fonts in custom cell renderers, much improved SWT to SwingWT event adapters, dispatch generic error handling and a lot more!

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2004-03-03

SwingWT 0.79 Released

This release adds basic docment support to JEditorPane, better compatibility for JList and JTree, graceful handling if Mozilla isn't installed for *nix, JComboBox hotkeys, proper JScrollPane implementation and better MDI support.

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2004-02-12

SwingWT 0.78.1 BugFix Released

This is the same as 0.78, except a showstopping container layout bug was fixed (it didn't appear testing with SwingSet2 and the SwingWT demos so it wasn't spotted).

Sorry for any inconvenience!


Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2004-01-30

SwingWT 0.78 Released

This version greatly improves compatibility for existing Swing/AWT applications. The event dispatch mechanism is now exactly like Swing for full compatibility, Java2D support is massively improved and all missing Swing components are now implemented. In addition, the SwingSet2 demo is now included so you can see it running with native widgets on your platform!

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2004-01-27

0.77 Corrupted

The archive containing 0.77 seems to be corrupted. I've reuploaded a working one this minute - sorry if you downloaded the bad one.

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2004-01-11

SwingWT 0.77 Released

Lots of improvements, including better toolbar support, real AWT layout manager support, custom renderers for JList, Action objects and JTree path/expansion fixes.

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2004-01-10

SwingWT 0.76 Released

This release adds support for disabled tabs in JClosableTabbedPane/JTabbedPane, thread safe method calls for all components, Scrollable JPanels in JScrollPane, JTableHeader implementation, JOptionPane.showinputDialog support, new JCoolBar component, many fixes and Swing compatibility methods. This release marks a turning point for stability in SwingWT, as it is now solid and can handle most Swing apps without any tweaking whatsoever.

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2003-12-18

SwingWT 0.75 Released

This version adds support for JTree Expansion/Selection events, JFileChooser/ColorChooser, ButtonGroup/Model, Object data storage for JList/JComboBox, full JInternalFrame/JDesktopPane support, keyboard focus management through KeyboardFocusManager, correct JPopupMenu firings, window events and defaultCloseOperation(), SwingUtilities compatible thread methods (invokeLater(), invokeAndWait(), item events, colour support for custom JTable/JTree cell renderers plus bug fixes.

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2003-12-14

SwingWT 0.74 Released (dual licence)

This version adds support for JEditorPane/HTML, dual licencing with the LGPL, automatic Swing-style event dispatching, AbstractButton and AWT cursors. SwingWT now uses SWT 3.0M5 and some new demo applications are now included. Improvements have been made to the component hierarchy, and many bugs have been fixed (particuarly around JScrollPane).

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2003-12-02

SwingWT 0.73 Released

This release incorporates: Accelerator display on menu items. Much improved compatibility for table/tree cell renderers. Swing border support added, improved JInternalFrame/JDesktopPane and JScrollPane support. Component name() support for compatibility with UI builders.

A new demo is now bundled, including the same code compiled with Swing for comparison, an Ant build script is also included, along with a new FAQ document.

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2003-11-27

SwingWT 0.72 Released

This release adds: All AWT components, AWT Toolkit/Clipboard and basic Java2D support (Graphics API). JCheckBoxMenuItem/RadioItem, menu separators and keyboard accelerators. GridBagLayout (basic) and container removal support. Custom cell renderer support for JTree/JTable

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2003-11-20

SwingWT 0.71 Released

I know it's only been a few days, but there were some good bugs fixed, JSplitPane and correct JScrollPane support added (should work with IDEs).

Thanks to Jack Park for the JSplitPane work.

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2003-11-13

SwingWT 0.70 Released

This one adds support for JTree, JTable, JProgressBar and internal frames.

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2003-11-11

Licence Change - CPL

Thanks to everyone who contacted me. I have decided to relicence the new versions under the CPL to match SWT. A new release will be available in the next couple of days (most objects now done, including JTable - JTree is almost complete).

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2003-11-06

SwingWT 0.60 Released

SwingWT - the Swing API over SWT library is now available for download. There are lots of items still to do, but a lot of work has been done.

Most components are in, along with the AWT layout managers/event models.

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2003-10-07

SwingWT 0.60 Announce

SwingWT - the Swing API over SWT will be available within a few days. I'm just putting the site together and getting the code into CVS. At present most of the Swing components are mapped (with the exception of JTree), along with the entire AWT event model. I intend to add support for JInternalFrames next.

Posted by Robin Rawson-Tetley 2003-10-03