
#575 Error displaying the Object "Open Door" after adding it to the plan


Dear Sirs,

Please note that the object "Open Door" from the default object list included with the software, is not showed properly on the "plan" section when you add it to a plan. The object cannot be configured via its own menu (double clck on it) with a common depth for a door: eg 90cm... it allways is suddenly modified in its depth to values like 232 cm and others like this. It could be fixed without installing a new release?

Thank you very much!!,


Bugs: #575


  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    Duplicate of bug #154.

  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    • status: open --> closed
  • Kennedy.DE

    Kennedy.DE - 2015-02-05


    Wondering if you can provide a solution, not a workaround.
    THe bug is related to the object itself ? can I replace just that object by
    a working one?
    Thank you in advance for your answer.

    Best regards,


    Last edit: Emmanuel Puybaret 2015-02-05
  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    The workaround is not difficult to apply.
    Providing a clean solution would oblige to subdivide the door in many parts (corners + sides of the frame on each side of the wall + the moving door). It's quite complicate to program that's why it wasn't done yet.

    • Kennedy.DE

      Kennedy.DE - 2015-02-07

      Dear Sir,
      I want to apologize about my comments without a deep knowledge of this

      I'm a programmer..

      How can I contribute to solve these kind of situations?

      Best regards,

      2015-02-05 8:33 GMT-03:00 Emmanuel Puybaret

      The workaround is not difficult to apply.
      Providing a clean solution would oblige to subdivide the door in many
      parts (corners + sides of the frame on each side of the wall + the moving
      door). It's quite complicate to program that's why it wasn't done yet.

      Status: closed
      Group: v_4.x
      Labels: error door depth
      Created: Wed Feb 04, 2015 11:50 PM UTC by Kennedy.DE
      Last Updated: Thu Feb 05, 2015 09:53 AM UTC
      Owner: Emmanuel Puybaret

      Dear Sirs,

      Please note that the object "Open Door" from the default object list
      included with the software, is not showed properly on the "plan" section
      when you add it to a plan. The object cannot be configured via its own menu
      (double clck on it) with a common depth for a door: eg 90cm... it allways
      is suddenly modified in its depth to values like 232 cm and others like
      this. It could be fixed without installing a new release?

      Thank you very much!!,

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      Bugs: #575

      • Emmanuel Puybaret

        How can I contribute to solve these kind of situations?

        As said previously, a clean solution is complicate to program, and I don't think it's a best way to start contributing to Sweet Home 3D code.
        If you want to contribute, you should better start with a plug-in.


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