
Ajax tags : SweetDEV RIA / News: Recent posts

SweetDEV RIA 3.5.2 is out !

SweetDEV RIA 3.5.2 has bean released as private version. Thank's to our partners to help us to implement new features.
This version will become public in few month.

Posted by o.chaumont 2011-02-03

SweetDEV RIA 3.5.1 is out !

SweetDEV RIA 3.5.1 has been released.

This version fix a lot of bugs in some components (Zone, Grid, Suggest, ...)

Posted by o.chaumont 2010-12-02

SweetDEV RIA 3.5 is out !

SweetDEV RIA 3.5 has been released. Check all the changes at the following location :

You can find a new version of the gettingStarted with either HSQLDB or MySQL database.

You can also download an use case of the grid, with the documentation (only in french for the moment) to transformate this use case for your need.

Posted by Nicolas Semczyk 2010-09-28

SweetDEV RIA 3.4 is out !

SweetDEV RIA 3.4 has been released. This version fix a lot of bugs in some components (Zone, Grid, Suggest, ...)

Posted by Nicolas Semczyk 2010-06-30

SweetDEV RIA 3.3.5 is out !

SweetDEV RIA 3.3.5 has been released. This version fix bug in the grid for the editable feature.

Posted by Nicolas Semczyk 2009-10-23

SweetDEV RIA 3.3.4 is out !

SweetDEV RIA 3.3.4 has been released. This version fix some bugs in the grid and other components. Check all the changes at the following location :

Posted by Nicolas Semczyk 2009-10-20

SweetDEV RIA 3.3.3 is out !

SweetDEV RIA 3.3.3 has been released. This version add multiheader, checkbox's group features and fix some bugs in the grid. Check all the changes at the following location :

Posted by Nicolas Semczyk 2009-08-24

SweetDEV RIA 3.3.2 is out !

SweetDEV RIA 3.3.2 has been released. This version fix some bugs in the grid, suggest and calendar components. Check all the changes at the following location :

Posted by Nicolas Semczyk 2009-07-15

SweetDEV RIA 3.3.1 is out !

SweetDEV RIA 3.3 has been released. This version fix some bugs in the datagrid component. Check all the changes at the following location :

Posted by Nicolas Semczyk 2009-07-03

SweetDEV RIA 3.3 is out !

SweetDEV RIA 3.3 has been released. This version correct some bugs, and improve the performances of the Grid component. Check all the changes at the following location :

Be careful :
From this version each web application must have a ria-config.xml with the following line :
<property key="sweetdev-ria.resources.server.url" value="/your_application_context"/>
For example if you are deploying the application demo.war on a basic tomcat you should put the value "/demo"

Posted by Nicolas Semczyk 2009-06-22

SweetDEV RIA 3.2-bugfixed

Due to critical bug, we published a new bugfixed version for the 3.2. Try it now !

Posted by Bastien Moyet 2009-01-08

SweetDEV RIA 3.2 is out !

SweetDEV RIA 3.2 has been released. This version correct some major bugs, adn improve the performances of the Grid component. Check all the changes at the following location :

Posted by Bastien Moyet 2008-12-19

SweetDEV RIA 3.2-beta has been released

SweetDEV RIA 3.2-beta has been released. This version still contains some known bugs and unimplemented features which will be corrected for the upcoming 3.2 release current December! You can check these bugs on the following topic :

Posted by Bastien Moyet 2008-12-01

Version 3.1 is out !

The brand new skinned version of SweetDEV RIA has just been released.

Check the changes now!

SweetDEV RIA Team

Posted by Bastien Moyet 2008-06-09

Version 3.0 is out !

The version 3.0 has just been released.
Check the changes now !

SweetDEV RIA Team.

Posted by julien m 2008-05-07

Version 3.0 beta is out !

The version 3.0 beta has been released today and contain a lot of improvments.
Check our release notes to have an overview of this new version !

Posted by julien m 2008-03-25

Version 2.2 is out !!

Following the recently version 2.2-SNAPSHOT, the version 2.2 has been released containing a lot of modification making the library much better ! Have a look to our <a href="">change log</a> !

Posted by julien m 2007-11-26

Version 2.0 is out !

A new version of Sweetdev RIA have been release with new components (Tabbox, SplitterLayout and Windows Docking).
The new version add Java Server Faces support for all the components !

Posted by SweetDEV-RIA 2007-04-12

1.2-RC1 is out !!

Release candidate 1 for version 1.2 is out !
New version of windows, window docking and many updates

Posted by Sébastien Revel 2006-12-18

1.1 final is out !!

version 1.1 final is out !
Some bugs have been fixed and some enhancements has been done on components !

Posted by Sébastien Revel 2006-12-18

1.1-RC3 is out !

Release candidate 3 for version 1.1 is out !
Some bugs have been fixed and some enhancements has been done on components !

Posted by Grégory Paul 2006-10-10

1.1-RC2 released !

A new version, including a lot of bugfixes and improvments has been released.
Check all changes here :

Posted by Sébastien Revel 2006-09-28

SweetDEV-RIA 1.1-RC1 version released !

The first Release Candidate for version 1.1 has been released.
It includes 2 brand new components : the Editable TreeView and the Calendar.

The TreeView allows you to add, update and remove nodes, reorganize items by drag & drop. Keyboard shortcuts can also be used to perform all theses actions.

The Calendar component allows you, by 4 modes, to select a single date, multiples dates or a period of time.... read more

Posted by Grégory Paul 2006-09-12

Version 1.1-BETA has been released!

This new version includes a new Calendar Tag.
4 modes are available : single pick up, multiple select, period selection or simple calendar.
Calendar days can be disabled (unselectable) or customized using a CSS and/or a tooltip.
Try it here :

Posted by Grégory Paul 2006-08-09

Choosing the best file according to your needs

In order to choose the best file to download, we've just set up an explanation page here :

Posted by Grégory Paul 2006-06-23