
Swazoo / News: Recent posts

Swazoo 2.0 released

Swazoo 2.0 is here, on Squeak and VisualWorks simultaneously while Dolphin and Smalltalk/X ports are already on the way.

See for more

Posted by Janko Mivsek 2007-08-20

Swazoo has its own website!, with tutorial, download and installation instructions, etc.

Posted by Janko Mivsek 2007-03-09

Swazoo 1.0 released

See for details

Posted by Janko Mivsek 2007-03-09

Swazoo 0.9.60 released

Swazoo for VisualWorks interim release towards v1.0. See readme.txt for more ... Also join our mailing list here on SourceForge for more info.

Posted by Janko Mivsek 2002-04-02

OpenSSL interface for VW with both Linux and Win support

Windows DLL added: vwssl.dll
complete OpenSSL in two DDLs: libeay32.ddl and libssl32.dll

Posted by Janko Mivsek 2002-04-02

OpenSSL interface released

SLL support for Smalltalk. This file contains an additional library for easier interfacing from Smalltalk to OpenSSL, an Open Source implementation of SSL and other crypto protocols.

Linux only supported in this release. Windows comming soon

Posted by Janko Mivsek 2002-03-29