
Doc Hover feature

  • Victor Lyuboslavsky

    Does latest SVEditor have the Doc Hover feature described on this page:

    Nothing happens when I hover the mouse over a documented element.

    I also see a new feature request still open, which sounds like the same thing:

    2256739 NewFeature:Comments before each method displayed in tooltip

  • Armond

    Armond - 2012-09-16

    The Doc Hover feature is in 0.9.9.  

    Are you aware that the feature uses Natural Docs style comments?   Comments without keywords are ignored by the documentation system.

  • Victor Lyuboslavsky

    I'm just trying it on uvm methods, and they look to have Natural Docs style comments. I'm not seeing anything happen when I hover.

  • Armond

    Armond - 2012-09-16

    I would expect docs on hover to work fine for the UVM code.

    It would help to turn on debug logging then hover and see what it says.

          window->preferences->SVEditor          Set "debug" to "medium".

    Also, a full reindex would be a good idea.

  • Victor Lyuboslavsky

    Ok. I resolved it. I was using SVE IDE 1.1, which doesn't have that feature. After updating to SVEditor 0.9.9, I see the hovers now.

    Thank you for the responses.


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