
Re: [sveditor:discussion] Verilog Simulation using SVEditor

  • Matthew Ballance

    Hello Vineeth,
    SVEditor helps with editing SystemVerilog files. In order to run
    simulation, you will need to run an external simulator such as QuestaSim
    (or Icarus Verilog, Cver, Verilator, etc). You can do this directly from
    Eclipse using the 'Run External Tools' dialog:

    You can use the same file list to specify the files for SVEditor and

    the simulation tool.

    Hope this helps!

    Best Regards,

    On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 8:53 AM, Matthew Ballance

    Hello Vineeth,
    SVEditor helps with editing SystemVerilog files. In order to run
    simulation, you will need to run an external simulation such as QuestaSim.
    You can do this directly from Eclipse using the 'Run External Tools' dialog:

    On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 5:00 AM, vineeth

    I am new to SVEditor.I was using Questasim for simulation purpose.I found
    it very difficult to understand how simulations can be done.Can anyone give
    a step by step procedure for simulation of Verilog codes using SVEditor or
    DVKit.I was trying to simulate a fulladder with testbench.In the
    documentation given only oum example is there.I am attaching the code
    module fa(a, b, c, sum, carry); input a,b,c; output carry,sum; wire
    d,e,f; xor(sum,a,b,c); and(d,a,b); and(e,b,c); and(f,a,c);
    or(carry,d,e,f); endmodule

    module fa_tb; wire sum,carry; reg a,b,c; fa f0(a,b,c,sum,carry); initial
    begin a=0;b=0;c=0; repeat(10) #10 a=~a; end always@(negedge a) b=~b;
    always@(negedge b) c=~c; endmodule

    Verilog Simulation using SVEditor

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    • vineeth

      vineeth - 2014-08-21

      thank you for your help

      I knew this already.I gave location as "C:\questasim_10.2c\win32\questasim.exe",left all other columns blank.Now the problem is it is starting Questasim ,but ends up in the previously executed project folder of Questasim.My program is not running.

      Working directory and arguments has to be filled or not????

      what should be I typing there???

      One more thing

      When I am creating new project I am only seeing the project folder.The EXAMPLE folder and SV folder is missing..Why this happens???


      Last edit: vineeth 2014-08-21

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