
#289 False fails seen when bringing up files


Sometimes when opening an indexed file in SVEditor, it has a bunch of red X markers in the file, indicating issues. However, the Problems view is empty and the file does not have a red X in the Project Explorer.


There are a couple workarounds to this issue:
Option A. remove/delete the file from the project, re-index, add the file back, re-index
Option B. delete the problematic lines from the file, re-index, add the lines back, re-index

1 Attachments


  • Matthew Ballance

    Hi Victor,
    In the screenshot you attached, the first error involves a macro call -- specifically `uvm_record_field. Does this type of failure occur in other cases?

    There is an issue with the UVM library with respect to the `uvm_record_field macro. When the library is parsed with a tool other than a Mentor/Cadence/Synopsys Verilog compiler, the uvm_record_field macro is incorrectly defined. Can you try adding one of the following to your argument file and re-indexing to see if this changes the behavior? You will need to close the file showing the incorrect errors and re-open after re-indexing.
    • +define+QUESTA
    • +define+VCS
    • +define+INCA


  • Victor Lyuboslavsky

    I made this issue go away with my workaround, so I can't try out the defines until I hit it again.

    I believe this is a more general issue where some indexing fails aren't getting cleared by subsequent re-indexing which fixes them. I've seen it with other macros and file includes as well. For the above issue, I knew something was fishy when I brought up my workspace in a co-worker's computer, and I didn't see the red Xs there -- that's when I knew it wasn't a real fail.

  • Victor Lyuboslavsky

    Here is another example where I'm using the open source SVUnit library.

    When I first created this file, it was clean. Then, a few hours later I came back to it, after messing around with another Eclipse project, and I saw these false fails.



    Last edit: Victor Lyuboslavsky 2013-11-08
  • Victor Lyuboslavsky

    Found a workaround that seems to indicate that some stale data isn't getting cleared in the index DB.

    I switched the project argument file to another "dummy" .f file that only indexed the UVM library. Then I switched back to the original .f file and the Xs went away.

    Is there a hard reset for the index DB, so that I don't have to switch to dummy.f and back again?

  • Matthew Ballance

    Interesting... It is true that the index does not always adapt correctly when the file set changes. When that happens, you will need to run the Eclipse Project Clean (Project->Clean...) operation to force re-indexing of the entire project. Project Clean allows you to clean and re-index all projects, or specify a subset of projects.


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