
Sudo for Windows / News: Recent posts

0.4.1-r185 released

- Released Sudo for Windows version 0.4.1

- Update Sudo to support Vista UAC

- Update GUI client to get correct user account picture on Vista

- Bugfix: trap exceptions when looking up users and groups and give meaning
error message

- Add commandPath and commandArgument to Event Log entries [request #1534654]

- Bugfix: logic for using password passed in on the command line was wrong.
It was always getting reset to "" even when not cached. [bug #1707157] ... read more

Posted by Kiliman 2008-01-10

0.4.0-r153 released

- Released Sudo for Windows version 0.4.0-r153

- Added support for authorizing users based on local and domain group affiliation.

Posted by Schley Andrew Kutz 2007-01-30

0.3.2-r147 released

- Released Sudo for Windows version 0.3.2-r147

- Bugfix - Moderate - Corrects exception that gets thrown when any locale
other than en-US invokes sudowin. This exception was occuring because
there was a principal permission check for "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" in the
Plugins.CredentialsCache.LocalServer assembly in order to restrict
security sensitive methods to the SYSTEM user. The rub is of course that
the SYSTEM account is not spelled the same way in all languages.... read more

Posted by Schley Andrew Kutz 2007-01-16

0.3.1-r143 released

- Released Sudo for Windows version 0.3.1-r143

- Bugfix - Minor - Corrects the problem where the console client would not
accept a zero-length password

- Bugfix - Major - Corrects the problem where any account in the Sudoers
group could create a remoting client and access the data source that stored
encrypted credentials. The credentials in question ARE encrypted, but a sudo
user could still gain access to them. This has now been restricted to the
builtin account "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM".... read more

Posted by Schley Andrew Kutz 2007-01-10

0.3.0-r139 released

- Released Sudo for Windows version 0.3.0-r139

- Added support for restricting sudo based on originating network

- Added support for caching remote plugin data sources locally

- Incremented XmlAuthorizationPluginSchema.xsd version number from 1.0 to 1.1

- Incremented PluginConfigurationSchema.xsd version number from 1.0 to 1.1

Posted by Schley Andrew Kutz 2007-01-10

0.2.0-r134 released

- complete architectural redesign

- md5 checksum ability for restricting commands

- can restrict invocations by their argument lists using a Perl-compliant regular expression

Posted by Schley Andrew Kutz 2007-01-05

0.1.1-r95 Released

Minor bug fix so that Active Directory accounts work properly

Posted by Schley Andrew Kutz 2006-06-24

Updated Sudo for Windows README.txt

There is an additional part to a post-installation step. For the latest README.txt please see



Posted by Schley Andrew Kutz 2006-06-20