
I want to add this : in the sudowin user guide we found on the site http://www.sans.org/reading_room/whitepapers/bestprac/1726.php
- on page 16 there's [authorizeGroup="Sudoers"] while I have [authorizeGroup="User"] in the sudowin.server.exe.config file
- on page 16, it's said that portName in sudowin.server.exe.config file must be the same in this file and for the client. So I fount in sudowin.client.gui.exe.config file that [portName="Sudo"] instead of [portName="Sudowin"] like sudowin.client.exe.config file and sudowin.server.exe.config file
- on page 30, I see [userGroup name ="standard"] but I found [userGroup name ="Sudoers"] in the sudoers.xml file

What are the corrects parameters to use in order to make it work well ?

Thank you

Dany Normandeau