
Streamline PHP Media Server / News: Recent posts

Streamline Developmnet Continues

After a long pause in development, we are getting back on track. The developers of this project had several life changing events in the last year or so (geographical relocation, job changing, etc ) that really took our lives over. We are please to anounce that we are getting back on track and play to make a 1.0 final release by the end of the year.

There will probaly be a beta 5 release within the next couple months. The beta 5 release will focus on improving the user experience through a new library view, addition of ajax/dhtml, and overall improvements. In beta 5 we will also try to address some of the comments we have gotten from our userbase. The 1.0 final release will follow after beta-5 and will only include bug-fixes found durring the testing of beta-5.... read more

Posted by Michael MacFadden 2006-07-07

Streamline 1.0-Beta4 Release

After a long, long, long wait. We finally pushed beta4 out the door. It contains many improvements over the previous release. Lots of good stuff, including a new statistics engine, individual user permissions, enahnce themes, and other wonderful goodness. Check it out!!

Posted by Michael MacFadden 2005-08-27

Beta4 Coming Soon

After a long....long stall in development, beta 4 will be out soon. We finally figured out the problem we were having with SQLite. Our development machines are set up to mount the home and web directories over NFS. Turns out that SQLite does not like working over NFS. This is what basically halted our testing and development for getting beta 4 out the door. Now that we know whats up. It shouldn't be too long.

Posted by Michael MacFadden 2005-07-11

New Web Site

As you can probably see, our web site has been redone. It is still pretty basic, but it looks a lot better and we have added a number of sections and links that will make it much more useful. If you notice any errors (broken links, typos, etc.) don't hesitate to let us know.

Posted by Michael MacFadden 2004-10-01

v1.0 Beta 2 Released

This release covers a few serious bugs that came up shortly after the v1.0 Beta 1 release. Windows users especially should check this out.

Posted by Michael MacFadden 2004-09-08

v1.0 Beta 1 Released

This release represents the first Beta Release of Streamline. With this Beta release we feel that streamline has reached a new level of maturity beyond that of the alpha Releases. With that in mind, it still is a beta release and should be treated as such. Comments, Questions, and suggestions are very much welcome.

Posted by Michael MacFadden 2004-09-01

v1.0 Beta 1 Development Complete

The development on 1.0 Beta 1 is complete. We are now in the process of testing the release to fix up any remaining bugs. We are still on target for the September 1st release, so check back then for the official release.

Posted by Michael MacFadden 2004-08-24

SQLite Support

The CVS version of Streamline now supports the SQLite database back end. SQLite is a file based database engine, it is easy to set up and does not require you to be a sysadmin to set up the database. This makes Streamline accessible to users who do not have access to an RDBMS like PostgreSQL or MySQL.

The SQLite support is just one of the great new features that will be available in the Beta 1 release scheduled for September 1st.

Posted by Michael MacFadden 2004-08-19

Project Renamed!!

This project formerly had the unix name streamline-mp3. Since Streamline handles more than just mp3's now, we thought it was a good idea to drop the mp3 from the name. It's shorter to type too, which is always a bonus. Anyway same great product, new great name!!

P.S. The first beta release is still on schedule for September 1st.

Posted by Michael MacFadden 2004-08-08