
Power supply

Requirements for the charger:

  • Only interaction: turning on or plugging in the power supply; all wires remain connected all the time
  • The devices can be turned on all the time, independend of whether the power supply is plugged in. When it is not, the devices are supplied from the battery.
  • When the power supply is plugged in, the charger can remain connected to the battery for an arbitrary time without damaging the battery.
  • When the power supply is not connected, the battery is not discharged by the charger.
  • The battery is charged to at least 50% (better: 100%) in one night.
  • A short-circuit does not damage the charger.
  • When the battery is not connected, the charger does not damage the devices.


  • Battery: 12 V/135 Ah
  • Night: 8..10 hours (in summer: activity from SR to SS plus time for setup


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