
rcssserver3D: version 0.5.9 released

The RoboCup Soccer Simulator is a research and educational tool for multi-agent systems and artificial intelligence. It enables for two teams of 11 simulated autonomous robotic players to play soccer (football).

This release is the candidate of RoboCup 2008. There are some important improvements. Firstly, the physics parameters are well adjusted to make the simulation more real and stabler. Secondly, the restrict vision perceptor is used, with which the vision range is limited, but more details will be seen, i.e. the head, hands and feet of robots can be seen. Furthermore, the soccer rule and visual features are improved.

  • Physics Parameters:
    Some physics parameters are adjusted to make the simulation more real and stabler.
  • Joint parameters: the max force and max speed of the joint are restricted, and some other parameters are modified.
  • Ball parameters: the parameters of drag are modified.

  • Restrict Vision:
    The restrict vision perceptor is installed both in nao and
    soccerbot058. This perceptor have some restriction compared with
    original vision perceptor. Firstly, the robots can only see object in
    the limited angle range (both horizontal and vertical angle ranges
    are [-60, 60] in degree). Secondly, the frequent is restricted, the
    robot can get one vision message every 3 cycles. Furthermore, note
    that the noise is added to the vision information.

However, the information is richer: the robot's torso, head, hands
and feet can be seen. The flags placed in the field can also be seen
(They are no visual in the screen now, but the robot can see them).
Four flags are placed at the field corners (the height is 0), and the
four flags are placed at the goal posts (the corner of the goal).

  • Visual:
  • The Nao robot can be identified by team colors and numbers. You can
    play a match with Nao robots ;-)
  • the monitor camera can be controlled by number keys (from 1 to 7)

  • Soccer Rule:

  • Field Size: the field size is 12mx8m, the center circle radius is
    1.3m, the penalty size is 1.2mx4m. More information please see
  • Kick Off: the kicking off team can enter the center circle, and the
    opponents will be moved away from the center circle.

For details have a look into the ChangeLog coming with the package.

You can get the package on the Soccer Simulator page on SourceForge

Posted by Xu Yuan 2008-06-02

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