
Squirrelmail Outlook Skin Theme / News: Recent posts

Updating in progress of Squirreloutlook

The new version of squirrelmail outlook skin theme is finish in 2007-08-15, The developers are working and the new changes will be available soon!

Posted by Carlos Jardim 2007-07-26

SquirrelOutlook available to FreeBSD - Ports Collection

I´m very happy today! This project is portable to FreeBSD Ports Collection (mail/squirreloutlook).

And forward a e-mail send for me to maintaner of SquirrelOutlook Project in FreeBSD Ports:

---- start ----
I´m developer of Squirreloutlook (Squirrelmail Outlook Skin Theme) in SourceForge and I
was happy in look the squirreloutlook include in ports collections of FreeBSD,
thanks for portable this package.... read more

Posted by Carlos Jardim 2007-01-09

SquirrelOutlook 1.0.3 Release

Available version 1.0.3 to download, any bugfix resolved:

* Change layout error message
* Fixed Bugs
- Error in image path layout (#1615129)
- Error message in message_display.php (#1608594, #1607254)
* Update CSS Style to Calendar Plugin (day view)
* Minor fix erros in layout

Posted by Claudio Brandao 2006-12-18

ANNOUNCE: SquirrelOutlook 1.0.2 Release

Available version 1.0.2 to download, any bugfix resolved

Read more in download page (notes - changelog).

I need collaborators to test squirreloutlook

Posted by Carlos Jardim 2006-11-22

ANNOUNCE: SquirrelOutlook 1.0.1 Release

Version 1.0.1 - Squirrelmail Outlook Skin Theme

Posted by Carlos Jardim 2006-11-21

The History of Squirrelmail Outlook Theme

The Project was initiated had the necessity to make with that the user interacted with the email tool.

The costs with the purchase of Exchange Software were very high, and therefore we find that it would be interesting to develop a layout similar to the used one in the Webmail Exchange, on a webmail (SquirrelMail) that it had security and of easy use.

Posted by Carlos Jardim 2006-11-15