
#331 Add "New SQL tab"

General (118)

Currently on a default session window, there is only two tabs: one Object tab and one SQL tab. Although one can create a new SQL worksheet, it get its own window (or top level tab). Switching between the default SQL tab, Object tab and new SQL worksheets can be quite confusing. It will be more convenient if these SQL worksheets could be placed inside a session window as another SQL tab.


  • mike

    mike - 2010-03-19

    Second that - multiple sql tabs next to each other would be very useful, particularly when working with several database connections at once.

    The main window / top level tabls work well for multiple connections, but is cumbersome to work with for several sql queries on the same database. They are also too big - I get 3 per line then wrap to a new line, but I might work with a dozen queries at once.

    Compare to MySQL Query Browser which is top class for this, but of course is no use if I need to connect to e.g. MSSQL as well.

    There is a lot of room alongside the current 'sql' tab for more, and after hunting around for the 'New SQL Tab' button I eventually found this feature request.

    Otherwise great work - the SQuirreL client looks very nice indeed!

  • Matt Pladna

    Matt Pladna - 2012-01-13

    I *third* this. This would be a great feature to have! I'm often developing multiple queries across several databases. This would help me organize things much easier.

  • John Rees

    John Rees - 2015-08-06

    Yes please. Another advantage of having multiple SQL tabs within one "connection", is that the "Objects" tab is much easier to get to. Otherwise I have to find the right top level "connection" that contains the "Objects" tab I need.

    Obviously this may not be an easy change, since it will mean that each SQL tab within the connection may refer to a separate file. Quite a significant change I guess, but the user experience would be much better.

  • John Morris

    John Morris - 2017-07-03

    Was this feature ever added?

  • Chris B

    Chris B - 2018-09-17

    I support this idea, too.

  • Benno T

    Benno T - 2018-10-24

    Yes, quite important for me, too.

  • Gerd Wagner

    Gerd Wagner - 2018-11-20
    • status: open --> accepted
    • Group: --> SQuirreL
  • Gerd Wagner

    Gerd Wagner - 2018-11-20

    Is committed to our Git repository, will be available in future snapshots and versions.

    Excerpt from change log:
    The "New SQL Worksheet" tool bar button can now be changed into a "New SQL Tab" button which opens a new SQL tab inside the main Session window.


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