
#680 SQLite: content not editable

Core (462)

Using the SQLite driver found at, everything I tried worked, except that I cannot edit entries. The cells would not turn yellow. It does work for the MySQL driver, thus suggesting that some API problem might be at hand? There are no relevant error message. It just behaves as if I have not selected the table to become editable. I have set this feature on, like the author, in the preferences.

BTW, the status bar indicates 8 Errors, but when I check for errors in the Log window, there are none reported. Probably another bug.

Version 2.6.8.


  • Rob Manning

    Rob Manning - 2008-11-04

    Could you attach your log file (just the exceptions) to this bug ticket (That will help us diagnose the problem)


  • Hans Deragon

    Hans Deragon - 2008-11-05

    Following is the error as reported by the "Last log entry" dialog box:

    Logged by net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.mainpanel.objecttree.tabs.table.ContentsTab at 04/11/08 6:52 PM:

    Error on Statement.setMaxRows()

    java.sql.SQLException: statement is not executing
    at org.sqlite.Stmt.checkOpen(
    at org.sqlite.Stmt.setMaxRows(
    at net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.mainpanel.objecttree.tabs.table.ContentsTab.createDataSet(
    at net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.mainpanel.objecttree.tabs.BaseDataSetTab$

    Maybe an error in the driver itself? However, I feel that when such an operation
    fails, there should be a popup showing the error.

    Curiously, this error does not show up in the "List of logs" window. It does show in
    .squirrel-sql/logs/squirrel-sql.log Should I create another bug report for this?

  • Rob Manning

    Rob Manning - 2008-11-05

    That exception is familiar. Yes the driver is implemented differently than most - some of this has to do with limitations in SQLite. However, this problem was fixed back in June on the trunk - so if you want to try a snapshot build I bet that problem goes away for you. The fix was done as part of a broader refactoring to fix regressions that were introduced for databases for which a plugin is not available. As such it was a bit too much change to introduce on the 2.6 release branch. We are past the halfway point for releasing 2.7 (which will come the same codebase that snapshots are built from). There are a few new features as well as bug-fixes for bugs like the one in this ticket. We would appreciate any feedback you have on the snapshot release if you decide to try it out.


  • Hans Deragon

    Hans Deragon - 2008-11-09

    This has been fixed in Snapshot-20081104_0124. You may close this bug report.

  • Rob Manning

    Rob Manning - 2008-11-09

    Thanks for verifying the fix.


  • Rob Manning

    Rob Manning - 2008-11-09
    • milestone: --> 2.6.8
    • assigned_to: colbell --> manningr
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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