
springworkflow / News: Recent posts

Small workflow.xml bug

In the springRssreader.xml there are a few toPage and toPageflow attributes that still used the old notation (workflowname.pageflowname.pagename) instead of the more friendly url like names (workflowname/pageflowname/pagename). This must be changed for the rssReader application to work correctly, but I didnt want to release another version just for this bug.

Also, for the display tag to work correctly with paging the request uri must be build up using the action name as well (when applicable). Therefor the action name is added to the request attrbibute. This is now in cvs but not yet in a release

Posted by Ronald Haring 2004-11-01

Bug with Tomcat

The springworkflow uses a workflowaction tag. In this tag it is possible to set a html class attribute. However on Tomcat this doesnt seem to work (cant find the set attribute for class is the error while the setClass(String value) method is available). I will change that but for now only resin is supported

Posted by Ronald Haring 2004-10-23

New version highlights

From the release notes:
Version 1.1
- added jetty servlet engine and to automate the tests. The tests can now be run by using ant run-tests

- added default behaviour in the creation of actions, meaning when you create an action tag with display="button" the onClick event will generate a submit of the form, whereas when you use a action tag with display="link" an a href tag will be created where all of the parameters needed for the workflow will be included. Please note that this means that all other parameters of the form will not be submitted. The link is now a real link again meaning you can bookmark it. If however, you want to display an action as a link but still have the form submit all of its parameters, you can set the linktype parameter of the action tag. If you set the linktype="submit" then all of the parameters will be submitted by calling the javascript:go function. If you set the linktype="href" then a link with workflow parameters will be generated.
- added a type="back". If you set an action tag with type="back" then the resulting action will go back to the previous page the user was one. This is the same as the browser back button but the server now knows of it, and thus appropiate action classes could be called. This option is usefull when you have a page that can be accessed from many other pages, but should always go back to the page that the request originated from (e.g. on each page there is a link with "change account". On this page you can update your account information and by pressing the back action, the system will return the user to his/her previous page where the newly changed information will be visible. This is different from the browser back button, because the server would not receive a new request for the previous page, and thus the previous account information would still be visible. ... read more

Posted by Ronald Haring 2004-08-30

Updates on the springworkflow.jar

Fixed a bug where logout from a webapp to a protected page, caused a bug in stead of logging in.
Removed categories, well, deactivated them by disabling the categorie options in the springRssReaderWorkflow.xml. Another neat feature of this system (now if only I could come up with shorter names).

Posted by Ronald Haring 2004-07-21

New zipfile

Same version, but a new zip file, since the previous one seemed to be corrupt.

Posted by Ronald Haring 2004-06-19

Added docs about chaining controllers

The html (chaining.html) is on the site ( and in cvs.

Posted by Ronald Haring 2004-06-02

Version 1 submitted

Included is checkToken to prevent double submits.
Hibernate support added to the rssreader.
Finally the user roles can be edited *cough, blush*

Posted by Ronald Haring 2004-05-23

More lucene support added

The source in cvs will now insert, update and delete the indexes. Previously the indexes were only created. To facilitate this, the workflow-servlet.xml now uses itemDaoSearchable in stead of itemDao

Posted by Ronald Haring 2004-04-04

Lucene search added

Added the lucene search engine together with the snowball text analyzer (in cvs and in release 0.9)

Posted by Ronald Haring 2004-03-26

CVS Submits ARE being done

Unlike the summary, numerous cvs updates and submits have been done.

Posted by Ronald Haring 2004-03-16

Atom Feed added

Latest version of the rssReader can pull atom feeds now

Posted by Ronald Haring 2004-03-16