
Tree [r226] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 data 2011-04-15 nemecis [r220] Added a new text widget far more complete than ...
 docs 2011-04-01 maximinus [r179] Added epydoc documentation.
 gfx 2011-04-08 maximinus [r204] Added italic font.
 guides 2011-04-01 maximinus [r183] Added Spainish region icons.
 music 2010-03-29 maximinus [r11] Replaced music because was unsure of license.
 scripts 2012-01-17 maximinus [r225] Small bug in text line.
 AUTHORS 2011-01-03 maximinus [r83] This is version 3.6 as released on 3rd Jan 2011.
 LICENSE 2010-03-29 maximinus [r11] Replaced music because was unsure of license.
 README 2011-01-15 maximinus [r131] Tidied and updated README and VERSION files.
 TODO 2011-01-09 maximinus [r104] Movement code for graphics seems to work fine.
 VERSION 2011-04-04 maximinus [r198] Battle screen now takes data from the game. 2011-01-18 nemecis [r142] 5 pop up windows fromyaml files in F... 2014-02-20 nemecis [r226] Found a bug with the map_widget's rectangle and...

Read Me

SPQR v0.3.7

Dependencies: You need the following installed on your computer to work:

Python 2.6.x   ->
Pygame         ->
NetworkX       ->
PyYaml         ->

Open a terminal and run the program You can run -? to see the
command line options.

Currently the game is not playable, but you can scroll the map and check out the GUI so far.
It's easiest to drag the map with the middle mouse down for now.
You can move units by clicking them; the game will highlight what regions you can move to.
You can also move the naval unit in the same way.
Pressing the n key will cycle around all possible units.

Please leave any comments at the website forum:

Game updates and new versions can be obtained at sourceforge: