
#861 Stopped Race is unable to resume

To be defined

Hello again
In each Race, when pushing the esc-button the game crashes and I see the attached screenshot.
As I said, the configuration is Windos XP Sp3
I hope this now will help to find the bug in the game...

2 Attachments


  • Heinz-Jürgen Schüssler

  • simon wood

    simon wood - 2013-11-20

    Unfortunately the screenshot doesn't give us much to go on. You could try increasing the level of logging to see if that gives any clues....

    Under your 'C:\Users\xxxxx\Documents\speed-dreams-2.settings\config' folder there's a 'logging.xml' which defines the default logging levels. Try changing the 'fatal' to 'info' or 'trace' in this file.

    You could also use the '-tl' command line parameter to change the default logging level.

    This will produce a log more logging, if you can 'cut and paste' that into a file thay might gives us some more clues.

    Obviously you are German, I assume you have German keyboard layout. Have you tried switch keymaps to see if that makes a difference?

  • Bertaux Xavier

    Bertaux Xavier - 2013-11-20

    better if pushed 'debug' instead 'fatal' we have more info for trace.
    Push this in 'Default' and 'Optim' section.

  • beaglejoe

    beaglejoe - 2013-11-20

    iirc on Windows XP the settings are under:
    C:\Documents and Settings\xxxxx\My Documents\speed-dreams-2.settings\config
    Try this to create a log file:
    Start Menu->Run
    Type cmd <Enter>
    In the command window:

    cd c:\Programme\speed-dreams-2.1.0 <Enter>
    bin\speed-dreams-s.exe -tl 5 -ts sdlog.txt <Enter>

    This will launch speed-dreams and produce a detailed log file named sdlog.txt in:
    c:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\xxxx\Eigene Dateien\speed-dreams-2.settings
    Where xxxx is the user name

  • beaglejoe

    beaglejoe - 2013-11-20

    Replying to beaglejoe:
    Sorry the second command is WRONG.
    It SHOULD be speed-dreams-2.exe NOT speed-dreams-s.exe

     cd c:\Programme\speed-dreams-2.1.0 <Enter>
     bin\speed-dreams-2.exe -tl 5 -ts sdlog.txt <Enter>
  • Heinz-Jürgen Schüssler

  • Heinz-Jürgen Schüssler

    Replying to mungewell:

    Unfortunately the screenshot doesn't give us much to go on. You could try increasing the level of logging to see if that gives any clues....

    Under your 'C:\Users\xxxxx\Documents\speed-dreams-2.settings\config' folder there's a 'logging.xml' which defines the default logging levels. Try changing the 'fatal' to 'info' or 'trace' in this file.

    You could also use the '-tl' command line parameter to change the default logging level.

    This will produce a log more logging, if you can 'cut and paste' that into a file thay might gives us some more clues.

    Obviously you are German, I assume you have German keyboard layout. Have you tried switch keymaps to see if that makes a difference?

  • Heinz-Jürgen Schüssler

    Hello again!
    Many thanks for your answers. I tried to make a log-file. Because it is too big I must make a attached zip-file. I hope this will help to find the bug in the game (in Windows only??)

  • simon wood

    simon wood - 2013-11-22

    Well the last thing logged is...

    00:01:11.779 Default  Info    Practice now in RACE_STOP state
    00:01:11.779 Default  Info    Stopping race engine.
    00:01:11.779 Default  Info    SituationUpdater thread is paused.
    00:01:11.781 Default  Trace   Loaded C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/root.PC3/Eigene Dateien/speed-dreams-2.settings/config/graph.xml (03CBB978)
    00:01:11.782 Default  Trace   Loaded C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/root.PC3/Eigene Dateien/speed-dreams-2.settings/drivers/human/human.xml (034A4238)
    00:01:11.782 Default  Info    Sound paused
    00:01:11.782 Default  Info    Current driver (on active split screen) is 'H - J - S'
    00:01:11.782 Default  Info    Matching human driver found, setting index to 1.
    00:01:11.782 Default  Trace   Loaded D:/Programme/speed-dreams-2.1-beta/data/data/menu/stopracemenu.xml (05523F88)
    00:01:11.895 Default  Info    Music changing to: data/music/main.ogg

    Which is the same as my Windows7 box.

    Since there's a comment about music, did you try disabling the 'Menu Music' (setting under 'Options/Sound/Music' change to 'Disabled')?

    I also note that you have it installed on 'D:', but user settings are on 'C:'. Anyone else tried it like this?

  • beaglejoe

    beaglejoe - 2013-11-22

    Replying to mungewell:

    Well the last thing logged is...
    00:01:11.779 Default Info Practice now in RACE_STOP state
    00:01:11.779 Default Info Stopping race engine.
    00:01:11.779 Default Info SituationUpdater thread is paused.
    00:01:11.781 Default Trace Loaded C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/root.PC3/Eigene Dateien/speed-dreams-2.settings/config/graph.xml (03CBB978)
    00:01:11.782 Default Trace Loaded C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/root.PC3/Eigene Dateien/speed-dreams-2.settings/drivers/human/human.xml (034A4238)
    00:01:11.782 Default Info Sound paused
    00:01:11.782 Default Info Current driver (on active split screen) is 'H - J - S'
    00:01:11.782 Default Info Matching human driver found, setting index to 1.
    00:01:11.782 Default Trace Loaded D:/Programme/speed-dreams-2.1-beta/data/data/menu/stopracemenu.xml (05523F88)
    00:01:11.895 Default Info Music changing to: data/music/main.ogg

    Which is the same as my Windows7 box.

    Same here.

    Since there's a comment about music, did you try disabling the 'Menu Music' (setting under 'Options/Sound/Music' change to 'Disabled')?

    Good idea.

    I also note that you have it installed on 'D:', but user settings are on 'C:'. Anyone else tried it like this?

    I run this way most of the time. Should not be a problem.

    Also, I saw a lot of these in the log:

    Default  Warning cgrVtxTable::draw_geometry_array: start invalid value

    You might want to try a different track or car to see if it still happens.

  • simon wood

    simon wood - 2013-11-22

    The 2.1beta only has one track.... he's driving 'Loading H - J - S driver (Marisatech-FMC GT4R)'.

  • Heinz-Jürgen Schüssler

    Replying to mungewell:

    The 2.1beta only has one track.... he's driving 'Loading H - J - S driver (Marisatech-FMC GT4R)'.

    Hello again,
    I tried all this tips, but nothing helps!!
    After first installing "speed-dreams-base-2.1.0-beta" i tried to drive on
    "Espie" with a supercar, and what happend: after stopping the race with the esc-button the game was blocked. That means: all tracks and cars are not the problem!!!! Even the sound is not the problem!!
    B.t.w.: In all other menues the esc-button works very well...

  • beaglejoe

    beaglejoe - 2013-12-06

    I have tested this on 32-bit Windows Vista and 64-bit Windows 7
    I did not experience the issue. (See #858)
    I tried (unsuccessfully)to install XP. Anyone able to test on an XP box?

  • Heinz-Jürgen Schüssler

    Replying to beaglejoe:

    I have tested this on 32-bit Windows Vista and 64-bit Windows 7
    I did not experience the issue. (See #858)
    I tried (unsuccessfully)to install XP. Anyone able to test on an XP box?

    Oh yes, I installed SD 2.1-beta on an XP box from my cousin an I found the same Problem when pushing the esc-button in a race or practice. This must be a bug in the program!!!!

  • beaglejoe

    beaglejoe - 2014-01-16

    I was able to get XP SP3 running in a Virtual box. The Escape key worked correctly.
    This is a US/English version of XP, so that might be a clue.
    I am about out of ideas on this.

    Oh yes, I installed SD 2.1-beta on an XP box from my cousin an I found the same Problem when pushing the esc-button in a race or practice. This must be a bug in the program!!!!

    Was your cousin's XP also German?
    Maybe something specific to German version of Windows?
    Did you use the same installer or did you download it again?
    Possibly a corrupt download?
    Anyone have any other ideas?

  • beaglejoe

    beaglejoe - 2014-01-29

    Adding this here in case it might help anyone looking at this issue.
    From mailing list:

    Hello Wolf-Dieter, all
    Thanks for the idea. I was still unable to crash SD. I tried all
    combinations of sound backends/sound enabled/disabled/music


    just some days before I found a bug in TORCS that made it crash pressing the ESC key while races. It happened because the sound was disabled, and there was a call to the uninitialized pointer to the soundInterface.

    May be this (sound was disabled) is the reason why one of you gets the error, the other one not.



  • beaglejoe

    beaglejoe - 2014-06-20
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    beaglejoe - 2022-10-17
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  • beaglejoe

    beaglejoe - 2022-10-17
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