
SpeakRight Framework / News: Recent posts

version 0.1.4 released

More features, including Transfer and Record. Five new flow object classes. Content-logging added. Several test apps now working on Voxeo Evolution site.

Posted by IanRae 2007-11-29

Version 0.0.3 released

Latest version is now 'alpha' level. You can create real apps, such as the provided SimpsonsDemo. Several new re-usable speech objects (SROs) have been added, including SROListNavigator.

Also the app can supply a prompts.xml file to define or override any prompt, including SRO prompts.

Posted by IanRae 2007-05-10


The first real app is being created. SimpsonsDemo is a simple voting application for your favorite Simpson's character. It's source will be part of the upcoming 0.3 release. For now, it's being documented at

Writing the app has uncovered a number of missing features. These will all implemented for version 0.3, due in the next two weeks.

Posted by IanRae 2007-05-03

Release 0.0.2

Second release. A bit more real. First two SROs (re-usable speech objects). Servlet helper class.
Confirmation and validation are working.

Posted by IanRae 2007-03-06

SpeakRight releases v0.0.1

The initial release supports basic VoiceXML 2.0 applications, and includes an HTML renderer for testing your speech recognition apps from a web browser. Try it!

Posted by IanRae 2007-02-26

First code check-in

A basic framework is working for creating Java servlets that dynamically generate VoiceXML.

Posted by IanRae 2007-02-24