
Solex / News: Recent posts

Solex 0.5.3rc1 released !

At last !

Solex is a graphical user-friendly Eclipse plugin providing non regression and stress tests of Web application servers. Test scripts are recorded from any internet browser thanks to a built-in HTTP proxy and can be fully edited in a dedicated GUI.

o Solex-0.5.3rc1
- Fully Eclipse 3.1.1 compliant.
- Internally uses Jakarta HTTPClient 3.0 final.
- Complete rework of the handling of multi-parts bodies.
+ Attached files are properly handled.
+ Bodies are properly converted into HTTPClient formalism.
+ The boundary is properly parsed.
+ Names and filenames are properly parsed and used
- Fixed URL parsing failing on complex URLs.
- Edit button in the constants dialog window.
- Fixed handling of headers.
+ Unless necessary, the headers are those of the browser and no longer those of
Jakarta's HTTPClient.
+ Headers with the same name are properly handled.
- Possible deadlock during recording fixed.
- SSL support during playback (see Preferences to enable it).
- The CONNECT HTTP method no longer crashes Solex.
- The POST method should finally works under all circumstances.
- Added numerous debug messages. Turn debug mode on in the Preferences and use the output to send us
bug reports. You need to restart Eclipse to see the effect.
- Now use Commons Logging library.
- Javadoc improvement.... read more

Posted by Cédric Vaniez 2006-01-05

Solex 0.5.2beta released !

This is a beta release, don't expect it to work much.

o Solex-0.5.2b
- Fully Eclipse 3.0 compliant, at last.
- Internally uses Jakarta HTTPClient 3.0b1.
- Reworked cookies management.
- Transparent connections through HTTP proxies.
- Beta as there are still some issues.

Posted by Cédric Vaniez 2005-01-21

Solex 0.5.1 released.

At last, the Eclipse 3.0 compatible Solex version is out.

Solex is a Web application testing tool built as a plug-in for the Eclipse IDE. It provides functions through a friendly GUI to record a browser session, adjust it according to various parameters and replay it later typically in order to ensure non regression of the application's behaviour.

Posted by Cédric Vaniez 2004-08-02

Solex 0.5.0 released !

Solex is a Web application testing tool built as a plug-in for the Eclipse IDE. It provides functions to record a client session, adjust it according to various parameters and replay it later typically in order to ensure non regression of the application's behaviour.

o Solex-0.5
- Better compliance with HTTP 1.1. Correct numerous issues (coockies, Host header, etc).
- Better GUI
+ Assertion dialog refactored.
+ Added a confirmation dialog before clearing a session.
+ Labels of various HTTP session elements (assertion, rules).
+ Selecting a result in the Playback Results view highlights the corresponding request in the session editor.
+ Double click is responsive on most session elements, allowing fast edition.
+ New icons
- New contextual list of available variables at any point in a session with previewing of values.
- New body views: XHTML in a tree and formatted text HTML.
- New Replacement rule based on an XPath expression instead of a regular expression.
The XHTML view provides an XPath assistant and a real-time previewer.
- Refactoring of the tree session editor: faster, simpler and little memory consumption.
- Refactoring of the player to minimize memory consumption.
- Refactoring of the session save code: faster, simpler and minimized memory consumption.
- Additionnal statistics in the Playback Results view: time to first byte and time to last byte.
- Rules and assertions are now fully editable, with dedicated dialogs.
- Updated tutorial.
- Bug fixed on extraction rules on an HTTP header.
- Preview was broken on negative assertions.
- When clearing a session, the constants are properly erased.
- Now use the XML parser delivered with Eclipse.
- Proper handling of multi-parts bodies.
- Preview of assertions against a variable available.
- Bug fixed in the session save code: some assertions could be lost.
- Requests to unknown hosts are now properly discarded.
- Clearing a huge session is now instantaneous and must be confirmed before proceeding.

Posted by Cédric Vaniez 2004-02-24

Solex 0.4.3 released


o Solex-0.4.3
- Fix bug: Assertion preview was broken.
- Fix bug: Assertion using a RegExp was broken.
- Fix bug: Variables extracted from Headers or Parameters didn't show up in Assertion addition dialogs
until a save/load.
- Enhancement: Extracted variables are immediately available to Assertions, even in the same body.
- Enhancement: Added an Ant task to run Solex stand-alone. (Thanks to David Barth,

Posted by Cédric Vaniez 2003-05-20

Solex 0.4.2 released

Fixed a bug under Linux. Assertion addition dialog window was broken.
Please download the new release.

Posted by Cédric Vaniez 2003-04-22

Solex 0.4.1 released

The assertion against a variable feature was broken in 0.4.
Please, download this fixed version.

Posted by Cédric Vaniez 2003-04-10

Solex 0.4.0 released !

Get it from the download area now :)
Solex works with the last Eclipse 2.1 Release, Build id: 200303272130.

Posted by Cédric Vaniez 2003-04-09

Solex 0.3.0 released

Get it from the download area.

Posted by Thibault Weintraub 2002-08-30

Solex 0.2.0 released

The new version of Solex plugin is now available for download.

Posted by Thibault Weintraub 2002-06-20

1st release

First release is now available.

Posted by Thibault Weintraub 2002-05-29