
Solar Clock / News: Recent posts

New Era

During the last five years, solar clock has amassed around 10,000 downloads. Development halted as I moved from my previous Windows platform to Mac OS X. In the next few weeks I hope to release a new and improved version of Solar Clock for the Apple iPhone, Mac OS X and the Linux Shell. This, I hope, will compensate for the failure to update the Windows version. The Windows version is now considered unsupported and only legacy files remain available in the repository.

Posted by ojk 2010-03-21

Microsoft Errors

Those compiling SolarClock from the source will have noticed a number of "warnings" issued by C# Express when you try and compile the software. It emerges that Microsoft have decided to deprecate half of the objects that I used in SolarClock after Beta 2.

Unfortunately, this has caused the delay between v0.9.2 and v0.9.9, which will be released today. Not all MS warnings have been eliminated, only the most severe. I will work on removing all warnings for v1.0... read more

Posted by ojk 2006-01-01

Status Update

Hello world! Just a brief status update for the SolarClock project.

Firstly, v0.99 will be released this week - maybe even tonight. Delay has been caused by my computer completely dying - I lost a lot of changes and had to work from a out-dated CVS version - probably my fault I admit.

Secondly, work is underway on v2.0. Ultimately this is the project that will take over the work of the Solar Clock as we know it. It's based upon an entirely new Mathematical formula, which at the moment is too slow and clunky.... read more

Posted by ojk 2005-11-15

Release 0.9.2

Version 0.9.2 has been released and has restored all features of 0.9 without any of the bugs of 0.9!

Posted by ojk 2005-06-03

Release: v0.9.1

Version 0.9.1 has been released. v0.9 was released with a terminal bug that was overlooked in the debugging phases. Please note that the v0.9 files are next to useless, and all users should upgrade to 0.9.1.

Posted by ojk 2005-06-01

Release: 0.9

Version 0.9 has been released as binary and source.

Posted by ojk 2005-06-01

Release: v0.6

Alpha Version 0.6 has now been released. This contains a fix for every bug reported and every feature requested has now been added. Assuming no major problems v0.6 will be the last alpha version. Please provide feedback through the usual channels.

Posted by ojk 2005-03-27

License Change

We have changed the release license from the GNU Lesser Public License to the Academic Free License (AFL). Genuine end users will find little change in their rights, and the AFL is approved by the Open Source Initiative.

Posted by ojk 2005-03-24