
Social Network Visualizer / News: Recent posts

SocNetV v3.1 released

The Social Network Visualizer project announces a new version of our favorite
SNA application. SocNetV v3.1 is the first Qt6-only release and brings many
improvements and bugfixes.

SocNetV v3.1 has faster large file loading, as well as quicker responsiveness
with large nets (>20000 edges), while having less memory footprint. Among
the bug fixed: edge filtering now works as intented.

The new version is now available for Windows, macOS and Linux. Go to the
SocNetV Downloads page and get it.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-06-12

SocNetV v3.0 released

The Social Network Visualizer project has released a brand-new version of our
favorite SNA application. SocNetV v3.0 brings improved speed and
responsiveness, bugfixes and new command line parameters.

This is the first version to support hardware accelerated (OpenGL) rendering
of the networks.

The Web Crawler has been improved to test for OpenSSL support in the OS and
give the user hints what to do if no OpenSSL is present. Also, the delay
between requests has been fixed and it works.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2021-07-30

SocNetV v2.9 released

The Social Network Visualizer project has released a new version of our
favorite social network analysis and visualization software application.
SocNetV 2.9 fixes the macOS Big Sur issue, and brings a few bugfixes and
improvements. It is now available for Windows, MacOS and Linux. Go to the
SocNetV Downloads page and get it!


Posted by SourceForge Robot 2021-06-15

SocNetV v2.8 released

The Social Network Visualizer project has released a brand new version of our
favorite social network analysis and visualization software application.
SocNetV version 2.8 brings bugfixes and improvements and it is now available
for Windows, MacOS and Linux. Go to the SocNetV Downloads page and get it!


Posted by SourceForge Robot 2021-01-03

SocNetV v2.5 has been released!

The Social Network Visualizer project happily released today a brand new version of our favorite social network analysis and visualization tool. SocNetV version 2.5, codenamed “maniac”, brings new features and improvements (i.e. custom node icons) and it is as usually available for Windows, MacOS and Linux. Go to the project’s Downloads page and get it!

Posted by Dimitris Kalamaras 2019-03-10 Labels: 2.5 socnetv social network analysis social network visualization

SocNetV v2.5 released with lots of new features and new looks!

The Social Network Visualizer project has released a brand new version of our favorite social network analysis and visualization software application. SocNetV version 2.5, codenamed "maniac" brings new features and improvements and it is now available for Windows, MacOS and Linux. Go to the SocNetV Downloads page and get it!

Here is a brief list of all new features and bugfixes.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-03-08

SocNetV version 2.4 released!

The Social Network Visualizer project has released a brand new version of our favorite social network analysis and visualization software application. SocNetV version 2.4, released on Feb 28, is a major upgrade bringing lots of new features, such as Kamada-Kawai FDP layout. The new version is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux as usual. Linux users may download a very light AppImage — just make it executable and click it to run the app!... read more

Posted by Dimitris Kalamaras 2018-03-09 Labels: 2.4

SocNetV 2.4 released!

The Social Network Visualizer project released today a brand new version of our favorite social network analysis and visualization software application. SocNetV version 2.4, released on Feb 28, is a major upgrade bringing lots of new features.  The new version is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux from the Downloads page.

Here's a brief discussion of the new features and changes of SocNetV version 2.4:... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2018-02-28

SocNetV v2.3 has been released!

SocNetV version 2.3, codenamed "fixer", is mainly a bugfix release. New features are Dyad and Actor/Ego reciprocity and zero-weighted edge support and zero-weighted edge color selection functionality in Settings. Read Release Notes for more info on this release.
The new version is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Downloads:

Posted by Dimitris Kalamaras 2017-07-16 Labels: 2.3 socnetv social network analysis

SocNetV v2.3 released!

The Social Network Visualizer project is happy to announce that a brand new version of our favorite social network analysis and visualization software application has been released. SocNetV version 2.3, released on Jul 5, has the eloquent codename "fixer" and it is now available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux  from the Downloads page.

What the new version brings to the users? As usual with our odd numbered minor versions, this is a bugfix release. While v2.2 brought a lot of new and important features, v2.3 focuses on stability and fixing bugs here and there. Nevertheless, there are a couple of new features as well, which you can find interesting for your network analysis endeavours: ... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2017-07-05

SocNetV v2.2 released

We are pleased to announce that a new version of your favorite social network analysis and visualization software application has been released. SocNetV version 2.2, codenamed "beyond", brings many new features, supports more social network analysis methods (i.e. eigenvector centrality, hierarchical cluster analysis) and it is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Visit to get it!

Posted by Dimitris Kalamaras 2017-01-21 Labels: social network analysis sna social networks

SocNetV v2.2 released with cluster analysis, eigenvector centrality and many more features!

We are pleased to announce that a new version of your favorite social network analysis and visualization software application has been released. SocNetV version 2.2,  codenamed "beyond", brings many new features and it is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Visit the Downloads page to get it!

Here is a brief list of all new features and bugfixes.

Hierarchical Clustering Analysis (HCA)... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2017-01-21

SocNetV v2.1 released

The Social Network Visualizer (SocNetV) project is happy to announce a brand new version of our favorite social network analysis and visualization software application. SocNetV version 2.1 has the quite eloquent codename "fixer", because it brings lots of bugfixes. It also has a new algorithm for d-regular random network generation and a nice new dialog to control it. As always, installation packages and executables are available to download for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux from the project's Downloads page. Read the full release notes and see some screenshots.

Posted by Dimitris Kalamaras 2016-09-29 Labels: social network analysis visualization graphs v2.1

SocNetV v2.1 has been released!

Today is a wonderful day, because we are happy to announce that a brand new version of our favorite social network analysis and visualization software application has been released. SocNetV version 2.1, released on Sep 28, has the quite eloquent codename "fixer" and it is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux  from the Downloads page.

What the new version brings to the users? Not so many new features as v2.0 did, but it incorporates lots of bug fixes. More specifically:... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-09-28

SocNetV v2.0 released!

The Social Network Visualizer project has released a brand new version of the Social Network Analysis application which brings major code overhaul, new GUI layout, significant performance improvements, Windows 10 compatibility and lots of bugfixes.

SocNetV v2.0 brings stability, great boost in memory consumption and nice new features for easier social network analysis, such as separate modes for graphs and digraphs, permanent settings/preferences functionality, edge labeling, recent files list, keyboard shortcuts, help messages etc. Also there are improvements in Force-Directed layouts, i.e. Fructherman-Reingold and opening/load times.... read more

Posted by Dimitris Kalamaras 2016-09-13 Labels: 2.0

SocNetV 2.0 released packed with new features and built for speed!

The Social Network Visualizer project has released a brand new version of the Social Network Analysis application which brings major code overhaul, new GUI layout, significant improvements and lots of bugfixes.

SocNetV v2.0 brings stability, great performance boost and nice new features for easier social network analysis such as separate modes for graphs and digraphs, permanent settings/preferences functionality, edge labeling, recent files, keyboard shortcuts, etc. Also there are improvements in Force-Directed layouts, i.e. Fructherman-Reingold. See below a walk-through of the new features.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-09-12

Social Network Analysis - using Social Network Visualizer

This video, uploaded to YouTube by Micheal Axelsen, takes on the dreaded social network analysis by using SocNetV.

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-05-13

SocNetV v1.9 released

The Social Network Visualizer project has just released version 1.9, which fixes many important bugs and brings a faster matrix inverse routine.

The matrix inverse algorithm is now using LU decomposition which greatly improves the computation speed. This improvement also affects Information Centrality algorithm which runs now in 1/10 of the time needed in earlier SocNetV versions.

Also, version 1.9 brings a revamped PageRank Prestige algorithm. Up to 1.8 the PageRank algorithm was using the original Page&Brin formula which lead to different results. From this version, SocNetV uses the correct formula and computes comparable results. Also, the initial PR score of each node is now 1/N.... read more

Posted by Dimitris Kalamaras 2015-06-23 Labels: 1.9

SocNetV v1.9 released - bug fixes and speed increase

The Social Network Visualizer project has just released version 1.9, which fixes many important bugs and brings a faster matrix inverse routine.  Source code, Windows zipped executables, Mac OS image and binary packages for major Linux distributions are as always available from the Downloads page.

The matrix inverse algorithm is now using LU decomposition which greatly improves the computation speed. This improvement also affects Information Centrality algorithm which runs now in 1/10 of the time needed in earlier SocNetV versions.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-06-23

SocNetV v1.8 released with scale-free network generator

A new version of SocNetV has just been released with a couple of nice new features.

First of all, there is an new clique computation routine with a revamped report. The new "clique census" report includes aggregate counts of cliques (up to clique number 4), along with disaggregation by vertex and co-membership information.

... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-06-05

SocNetV v1.8 released

The Social Network Visualizer project released version 1.8 with the following new features:
- New clique census routine to compute maximal cliques with up to 4 vertices.
- New Scale-free random generation methods. Improved Erdos-Renyi generation to include G(n,M) model.
- New improved dialogs for easy random network generation (Scale-free, Erdos-Renyi, and Small-World)

See a detailed feature tour here: read more

Posted by Dimitris Kalamaras 2015-06-05

SocNetV v1.7 released with lots of goodies!

A new SocNetV release hit the road today. Version 1.7 solves a number of bugs and brings lots of interesting and useful new features to our users. Binaries for Windows, Mac and Linux are already available in the project's Downloads page. Here's what's new...

Up to now, when you wanted to edit a node you had to right click on it and select a single property to edit (color, label, etc). That was awfully user-unfriendly. So, v1.7 brings a nice Node Properties which incorporates all different operations in one place. Just right click on a node and select Node Properties (Ctrl+X, Ctrl+P for key-junkies) to bring up the properties dialog.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-05-20

SocNetV v1.7 released

SocNetV version 1.7 has been released with lots of new stuff and bug fixes.

See a new features tour here:

See changelog here:

Posted by Dimitris Kalamaras 2015-05-20

SocNetV v1.6 released with a working web crawler

The SocNetV project has just released its latest version 1.6. Binaries for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux are available from the Downloads menu.

The new version brings back the web crawler feature which has been disabled in the 1.x series so far.

To start the web crawler, go to menu Network > Web Crawler or press Shift+C.

A dialog will appear, where you must enter the initial web page (seed). You may also set the maximum nodes/pages (default 600) and what kind of links to crawl: internal, external or both.  By default the spider will crawl both internal and external links.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-05-12

SocNetV as "intelligence" source for Dolphin-site operators

Can use SocNetV to analyze a virtual "social network" ? Yes you can. For instance, you could analyze social interactions (i.e. mentions) between "friends" in that virtual network. Apparently, SocNetV cannot grab their link/connections data on its own (forget the built-in web crawler; it cannot get and parse private data), but if you can extract the data for yourself and transform them into a proper GraphML format, then SocNetV will happily load and visualize the virtual social network so that you can analyze its properties. This seems to be the case with Dolphin social network software, an open source platform for social networks.

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-05-04