
Tree [93acec] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 img 2011-06-22 Christian Hohnstaedt Christian Hohnstaedt [060a1c] bookmarks += studiVZ
 tmpl 2011-06-22 Christian Hohnstaedt Christian Hohnstaedt [8c2a6a] add license information, prepare next release
 .gitignore 2011-06-15 Christian Hohnstaedt Christian Hohnstaedt [ee6967] add build-infrastructure
 Makefile 2011-06-21 Christian Hohnstaedt Christian Hohnstaedt [a7e296] make providers.xml the master XML file
 README 2011-06-21 Christian Hohnstaedt Christian Hohnstaedt [a7e296] make providers.xml the master XML file 2011-06-22 Christian Hohnstaedt Christian Hohnstaedt [8c2a6a] add license information, prepare next release
 array.xslt 2011-06-23 Christian Hohnstaedt Christian Hohnstaedt [93acec] fixup doc
 de-DE.mod_socialbookmark.ini 2011-06-21 Christian Hohnstaedt Christian Hohnstaedt [04d88b] no more bookmarkcraze link
 en-GB.mod_socialbookmark.ini 2011-06-21 Christian Hohnstaedt Christian Hohnstaedt [04d88b] no more bookmarkcraze link
 helper.php 2011-06-22 Christian Hohnstaedt Christian Hohnstaedt [8c2a6a] add license information, prepare next release
 icon.png 2011-06-19 Christian Hohnstaedt Christian Hohnstaedt [681731] add project icon
 indent.xslt 2011-06-19 Christian Hohnstaedt Christian Hohnstaedt [3440bd] security fixes index.hml, _JEXEC
 index.html 2011-06-14 Christian Hohnstaedt Christian Hohnstaedt [7f10b2] Initially created mod_socialbookmark.xml
 mod_socialbookmark.php 2011-06-22 Christian Hohnstaedt Christian Hohnstaedt [8c2a6a] add license information, prepare next release
 mod_socialbookmark.xslt 2011-06-23 Christian Hohnstaedt Christian Hohnstaedt [93acec] fixup doc
 packlist.xslt 2011-06-19 Christian Hohnstaedt Christian Hohnstaedt [3440bd] security fixes index.hml, _JEXEC
 providers.xml 2011-06-22 Christian Hohnstaedt Christian Hohnstaedt [9551c1] fix location of border attribute
 version.xslt 2011-06-19 Christian Hohnstaedt Christian Hohnstaedt [3440bd] security fixes index.hml, _JEXEC

Read Me

This package heavily uses the XSLT parser to generate release files
and especially parse the providers.xml input.

The initial file of all links is providers.xml

providers.xml is used as input for
 - the PHP array of links in array.php by array.xslt
 - mod_socialbookmark.xml by mod_socialbookmark.xslt
   and then formatted by indent.xslt

zipping the relevant files is done by generating a
packlist.txt by extracting install/files/filename and install/languages/language
from mod_socialbookmark.xml by packlist.xslt

The package version is extracted from mod_socialbookmark.xml by version.xslt