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Openglad 0.98 released

After much anticipation, Openglad 0.98 is here! Read all about it on the home page.

Posted by Zardus 2003-05-13

Openglad 0.97 released!

Openglad 0.97 was released last night. Changes include an accumulating memory leak fixed, several segfaults fixed, fullscreen should now work in windows, and there is now better data file finding.

Posted by Sean Ford 2003-01-09

Evil Leak Plugged, Analysts Worry

In a move that caught industry analysts completely off guard, Snowstorm Entertainment today fixed one of the most ugly/evil Openglad/Gladiator memory leaks of all time. The leak, a history landmark of the game, is estimated by some to have been present since the game's origin in the DOS era.

Understandably, supporters of the historic leak were agnast at this news, claiming that Snowstorm had no right to deprive them of such a nastalgic item. One protestor remarked, "I remember back in '96, I'd be playing and suddenly my computer would run out of RAM and go crazy. Now I can't relive that experience. Damn you, Snowstorm! Damn you to /dev/null!"... read more

Posted by Zardus 2003-01-08

Openglad Enhanced Branched

Openglad Enhanced has been branched off to allow us to add major feature enhancements and keep a full port of the old DOS game at the same time! Exciting times are ahead, and much improvements will be made.

Posted by Zardus 2002-10-04

Openglad 0.95!

Openglad 0.95 has been unleashed! Get it from the files sections. Features include sai2x pixel doubling and a whole lot of code cleanups.

Posted by Zardus 2002-09-25

Openglad 0.9

Openglad 0.9 was released today. It is fully playable so download it and play it for hours on end!

Posted by Sean Ford 2002-08-19

Big Steps

The Forgotten Sages Team (the guys that wrote the original Gladiator),, have generously open sourced Gladiator under the GPL. OpenGlad 0.1, released today (July 1st or 2nd), is 100% source code from Gladiator 3.8. The credit for this release goes fully to FSGames.

For the rest of the shpiel about the release, read the release notes :-)

Let the fun begin!

Posted by Zardus 2002-07-02


Well, we've been stalling for the last month or more, but that's cause all of us have school and stuff. Now that school is over, development should pick up again.

Posted by Zardus 2002-06-10