
Running 2 or more Snowmix'es at once

  • buzzzy

    buzzzy - 2014-03-20


    my question: can you change system control port and system socket dynamically or do you need 2 different .ini files for 2 different Snowmix'es to run at the same time? Basically it's this part:

    system control port 9999
    system socket /tmp/mixer1

    Thank you,

    • Peter Maersk-Moller

      Hi Buzzzy

      Dynamically change the control port number after Snowmix has started listening on the port? No that is not possible, but if you can come with a good usage case or explain why this would be advantageous, I might add it to version 0.4.4. So far I haven't been able to come up with a good reason for this.

      Dynamically change the system socket after it has been defined? No that is not possible, but if you can come with a good usage case or explain why this would be advantageous, I might add it to version 0.4.4. So far I haven't been able to come up with a good reason for this.

      That said, in version 0.4.3 the command system output reset was added to be able to disconnect and close an existing system socket connection. It is then the responsibility of the connecting process/pipeline to reconnect upon need.

      Best regards
      Peter MM

    • Peter Maersk-Moller

      If you want to change the port dynamically, you can use netcat

      $ mkfifo backpipe
      $ nc 9999 0<backpipe | nc -l 9998 >backpipe

      Here Snowmix listen on port 9999 and netcat listen on port 9998. This way you can take as many input on port 9999 you want and one input on port 9998. If you want more inputs on 9998, you have to find another tool or write a simple tcp server.

      Similar method with a named pipe or fifo can be used to dynamically change the system socket.

      Peter MM

    • Peter Maersk-Moller

      yet another solution for the dynamically changing the control port is this

      $ ssh -L9998:

      This solution allows you to connect as many times you want to port 9999 and port 9998 and ssh can log in without password using keys instead.




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