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Owner Created Updated Priority
55 vtkIndirectLookupTable does not get updated None open-accepted 2003-04-16 2006-08-11 5  
54 gantry tilt not detected from dicom files None open 2003-03-03 2003-03-03 5  
53 PhaseWire crashes Slicer2 None open 2003-02-14 2003-02-14 5  
52 Sample MRML.XML File Does Not Validate None open-fixed 2003-02-13 2006-08-11 5  
48 Measurement Module None open-wont-fix 2002-12-12 2006-08-11 5  
47 Import CT w/ diff. Slice-Spacings None open 2002-12-12 2002-12-12 5  
46 Viewing Dicom-CT-slices with Tilt None open 2002-12-12 2002-12-12 5  
45 DICOM-import of CT-data: Keep Tilt None open 2002-12-12 2002-12-12 5  
43 Opening scenes None open 2002-12-12 2002-12-12 5  
42 Save on Closing altered scenes None open 2002-12-12 2002-12-12 5  
41 Save View = Sdreenshot None open 2002-12-12 2002-12-12 5  
40 Saving: clipping and backface c. not s'd None open 2002-12-12 2002-12-12 5  
39 more options for slice display size None open 2002-11-12 2002-11-12 5  
38 sometimes bad fiducial alignment None open 2002-10-16 2002-10-16 5  
37 key to switch between views None open 2002-10-16 2002-10-16 5  
36 models should appear in moving/ref view None open 2002-10-16 2002-10-16 5  
35 dicom paths in mrml files need rework None open 2002-08-08 2002-08-08 5  
33 Fundamental Bug with "ModelID" None open 2002-07-08 2002-07-08 5  
29 Bug in Cross Hairs Display None open 2002-06-30 2002-06-30 8  
27 No sync in dicom slice selection None open 2002-04-25 2003-05-14 3  
26 Dicom preview reformats gray incorrectly None open 2002-04-23 2003-05-14 3  
23 bug with ModelHierarchies, model saving None open 2002-02-07 2002-02-07 5  
21 new MRML saved view format issues None open 2002-02-07 2002-02-07 5  
6 display coordinates vary with loading None open 2001-06-19 2003-05-14 3  
3 "Fade" Button doesn't work. None open 2001-06-13 2002-02-19 5  
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