
Speech Recognition in English & Polish / News: Recent posts

New version of SkryBot Medycyna Rodzinna

SkryBot - new version
It can be downloaded from:
- Polish version -
Changes (English):
1. New and improved acoustic model for SkryBot Medycyna Rodzinna.
2. Fixed a bug where many version of SkryBot could not be installed on the same machine.
Zmiany (Polski):
1. Nowy i poprawiony model akustyczny dla Medycyny Rodzinnej.
2. Naprawiono błąd, gdzie nie można było instalować wielu wersji SkryBota na tym samym PC.... read more

Posted by Leslaw Pawlaczyk 2020-03-19 Labels: Medycyna Rodzinna

Hi SkryBot is still developed - new versions

there are new commercial versions of skrybot just find at or

Posted by Pavel Bosky 2019-11-13 Labels: speech to text skrybot speech recognition voice lab voice to text

SkryBot - new version 2.X.9.18117

Version 2.X.9.18117.
It can be downloaded from:
- English version -
- Polish version -
Changes (English):
1. Improved licence translation in English version.
2. New speech model for Polish PLPL-v7.3 (faster and more accurate).
Zmiany (Polski):
1. Poprawiono licencję i część tekstów w wersji angielskiej.
2. Nowy model dla wersji polskiej PLPL-v7.3 (szybszy i dokładniejszy)

Posted by Leslaw Pawlaczyk 2018-04-27 Labels: 2.X.9.18117 release

SkryBot - new version 2.X.9.18082

Version 2.X.9.18082. It can be downloaded from:
Changes (English):
1. Works in latest VS2017 15.6.4
2. Update Nuget Packages
3. Fixed a bug with some microphones refusing to allow recording for speech recognition.
Zmiany (Polski):
1. Kompatybilność z najnowszym VS 2017 15.6.4
2. Zaktualizowano pakiety NUGET
3. Poprawiono błąd, gdzie niektóre mikrofony nie pozwalały na nagrywanie do rozpoznawania mowy.

Posted by Leslaw Pawlaczyk 2018-03-24 Labels: 2.X.9.18082 release

SkryBot - new version 2.X.9.18032

Version 2.X.9.18032. It can be downloaded from:
Changes (English):
1. Recompiled speech decoder to work on older type of processors.
2. Fixed rare bug with word 'WĘGIER' appearing in some cases, when something else was said.
3. Added choice of threads count in Configuration screen, to speed up decoding.
4. Fixed a bug in installer which required C++ redistributable to be uninstalled first.
Zmiany (Polski):
1. Zrekompilowano dekoder mowy do wsparcia dla starszych procesorów.
2. Naprawiono rzadki błąd, gdzie pojawiało się słowo 'WĘGIER', gdy zostało coś innego powiedziane.
3. Dodano wybór ilości wątków dla dekodera w ekranie Konfiguracji, celem przyspieszania dekodowania.
4. Naprawiono błąd w instalatorze, wymagający czasem deinstalacji produktu 'C++ redistributable' przed instalacją SkryBota.

Posted by Leslaw Pawlaczyk 2018-02-02 Labels: 2.X.9.18032 release

SkryBot - new version 2.X.9.17242

Version 2.X.9.17242. It can be downloaded from:

Changes (English):
1. New acoustic models using Deep Neural Networks which dramatically improve accuracy.
2. Removal of personalization because great improvements in accuracy.
3. Using only one speed of decoding.

Zmiany (Polish):
1. Nowy model akustyczny, korzystający z Głębokich Sieci Neuronowych, które znacząco poprawiają jakość rozpoznawania.
2. Usunięcie możliwości poprawiania rozpoznawania ze względu na bardzo dobry model akustyczny.
3. Stosowanie tylko jednej prędkości dekodowania.

Posted by Leslaw Pawlaczyk 2017-09-16 Labels: 2.X.9.17242 release

SkryBot - new version 2.X.8.17092

Version 2.X.8.17092. It can be downloaded from:

Changes (English):
1. New manuals (Polish and English)
2. Major changes in transcription offline.
3. New help link from help button.

Zmiany (Polish):
1. Nowa instrukcja po polsku i angielsku.
2. Znaczące zmiany w transkrypcji offline.
3. Linki do nowych filmów instruktażowych z poziomu pomocy.

Posted by Leslaw Pawlaczyk 2017-04-02 Labels: 2.X.8.17092 release

New user manual uploaded

English: New user manual in Polish was uploaded to Files/Manuals folder
Polski: Nowa instrukcja obsugi została wpisana do katalogu Files/Manuals

Posted by Leslaw Pawlaczyk 2017-03-04 Labels: manuals

SkryBot - new version 2.X.8.17053

Version 2.X.8.17053. It can be downloaded from:

Changes (English):
1. Fixing playback between player windows
2. Improving slightly height of buttons in main window.
3. Adding text injection to Dyktak.
4. Fixing minor bugs in microphone calibration.
5. Improving reopening windows once they were closed.... read more

Posted by Leslaw Pawlaczyk 2017-02-25 Labels: 2.X.8.17053 release

New instructional channel on YouTube devoted to SkryBot

English: New channel has been launched on YouTube with instrunctional videos on how to use SkryBot
Polish: Nowy kanał YouTube został otwarty poświęcony SkryBotowi:

Posted by Leslaw Pawlaczyk 2017-02-25 Labels: manuals videos

SkryBot - new version 2.X.8.17019

Version 2.X.8.17019. It can be downloaded from:

Changes (English):
1. Fixes to startup screen visibility
2. Fixes to microphone setup in startup
3. Fixes to start/stop of playback
4. Adding part of commercial features - transcription offline
5. Fixing some messages in training speech models.
6. Fixing showing hot keys
7. Stability fixes... read more

Posted by Leslaw Pawlaczyk 2017-01-19 Labels: 2.X.8.17019 release

SkryBot - new version 2.X.8.16344

Version 2.X.8.16344. It can be downloaded from:

Changes (English):
1. New, greatly improved speech model PLPL-v6.0
2. Support for speaker adaptation
3. Added English user manual
4. Speech decoder moved into separate process
5. Added application for recording with multiple microphones at once
6. Removed limitations around recording duration.
7. Various bug fixes around stability, playback and app hanging when closing down... read more

Posted by Leslaw Pawlaczyk 2016-12-08 Labels: 2.X.8.16343 release

Polish speech models for Julius PLPL-v5.1 (2016/12/07)

Professional Polish speech model available as Open Source

As a part of our continuous engagement in Open Source community since the last several year we are sharing a source code for a free version of SkryBot.

Recently we decided to also share one of our speech models which was developed in 2016 during our research work. The version of the model is 5.1 and is available under MIT licence.

More details can be found in: read more

Posted by Leslaw Pawlaczyk 2016-12-07 Labels: HTK Julius speech model Polish

SkryBot - new version 2.X.7.16289

Version 2.X.7.16285. It can be downloaded from:

1. Brand new faster and more accurate speech model for DoMowy and Prawo.
2. New product called Medycyna Rodzinna directed towards GPs (General Practicioners) with a special language and acoustic model.
3. Fixed a bug with fast forward in playing audio files.
4. Fixed a bug with denormalization of spoken number where they were added together if spoken consecutively.
5. Speed up of auto capitalization
6. Fixes to config so that results from 1st pass of decoder are not ignored when 2nd pass did not work.

Posted by Leslaw Pawlaczyk 2016-10-12 Labels: release

Open Source Polish speech models for Julius

Professional Polish speech model available as Open Source

As a part of our continuous engagement in Open Source community since the last several year we are sharing a source code for a free version of SkryBot.

Recently we decided to also share one of our speech models which was developed in 2015 during our research work. The version of the model is 4.1 and is available under MIT licence.

More details can be found in: read more

Posted by Leslaw Pawlaczyk 2016-10-04 Labels: speech models julius decoder

SkryBot - new version 2.X.6.16196

Version 2.X.6.16196. It can be downloaded from:
1. Brand new faster and more accurate language model in version PLPL-v5.0
2. Updated reference manual to the latest version.
3. Installer is now adding a shortcut to the manual on the desktop.
4. Manual is now available on configuration tab under a separate button.

Posted by Leslaw Pawlaczyk 2016-07-15

SkryBot - new version

Version It can be downloaded from:
1. Moved letters capitalization to config as it could slow down decoding.
2. Added option to start program automatically, configurable.
3. Fixed minor bugs related to decoding speed calculation.
4. Added a new product called 'SkryBot Prawo' for legal documents dictation. Available from

Posted by Leslaw Pawlaczyk 2016-04-18

SkryBot - new version

Version It can be downloaded from:
1. Improved slightly decoding speed and accuracy.
2. Added memory and decoding speed monitoring.
3. Added configurable style of new Metro UI.
4. Improved decoding stability.
5. Fixed problems with voice commands in SkryBot DoMowy.
6. Added blinking icons when recording.
7. Added progress reporting when in program's task bar's icon.
8. Reduced memory footprint.
9. Minor default changes to speech/silence detection.
10. Fixed decoding queue length reporting.
11. Added a debug tab to show exact decoding results.

Posted by Leslaw Pawlaczyk 2016-03-28 Labels: Release

SkryBot - new version

1. Improved decoding speed and quality.
2. Modified tabs in main window by splitting them into three.
3. Divided config into separate windows.
4. Added configurable text injection shorcut keys.
5. Added key shortcuts for navigating audio.
6. Fixed some bugs in audio recording and pausing.
7. Fixed some bugs in speech decoding.
8. Changed minimum avg sentence decoding from 70% to 30%.
9. Dots are automatically added to sentence ending.
10. Added automatic capitalization of decoded text.
11. Fixed a bug where new sentence was not starting with capital letters.
12. Added window with samples of text denormalization and how to use it.
13. Added tooltips to inform when commands are not recognized or decoded sentence rejected.
14. When changing decoding speed decoder automatically restarts.
15. Fixed a bug with mutliple pausing and unpausing of recording.
16. Changed meaning of a bug for stopping decoding to allow stopping recording as well.
17. Fixed <paragraph> decoding.
18. Fixed date injection at begining of sentences.
19. Added checking for updates.
20. Fixed bugs around reading and saving configuration.
Remember to uninstall old version first, before installing a new one.</paragraph>

Posted by Leslaw Pawlaczyk 2016-02-01 Labels:

New version of SkryBot 2 finally here

New version of SkryBot finally presented. It contains of 3 different types: MedycznyPET (Medical), Administracyjny (Administrative for local councils), DoMowy (general speech).
The versions should work for Windows 10 as well.
SkryBot supports Windows 7, 8 and 10.
List of features can be seen in previous posts.

Posted by Leslaw Pawlaczyk 2015-08-02 Labels: SkryBot 2.0

New version of Skrybot doMowy

A new version of SkryBot doMowy will soon be published, containing:
1. New language model PLPL-v4.1
2. New and simplified UI
3. Support for multiple microphones
4. Better support for speech detection
5. Support for Windows 8.1 and onwards
6. Faster and more accurate speech decoder
7. Text injection to Word.

Posted by Leslaw Pawlaczyk 2015-07-10 Labels: Software update

Nowa wersja Skrybot doMowy

Wkrótce zostanie zaktualizowana wersja SkryBota doMowego do zupełnie nowej szaty graficznej, zawierająca między innymi:
1. Wsparcie dla wielu mikrofonów
2. Wsparcie dla 'wstrzykiwania' tekstu do Worda.
3. Wsparcie dla Windows 8.1
4. Nieograniczoną możliwość dekodowania z nagrywaniem.
5. Nowy, szybszy i dokładniejszy model językowy PLPL-v4.1
6. Uproszczone sterowanie programem.
7. Dokładniejszy i prostszy w obsłudze tryb dekodowania ciągłego.

Posted by Leslaw Pawlaczyk 2015-07-10 Labels: Aktualizacje

Nowa wersja SkryBot doMowy 20100612

W nowej wersji 20100612, zostały poprawione błędy instalacji wersji 20100606, SkryBot zainstaluje się teraz bez problemów w trzech najpopularniejszych systemach operacyjnych Windows XP, 7, Vista; 32 lub 64 bit.

Posted by Pavel Bosky 2010-06-12

Nowa wersja SkryBot doMowy 20100612

W nowej wersji 20100612, zostały poprawione błędy instalacji wersji 20100606, SkryBot zainstaluje się teraz bez problemów w trzech najpopularniejszych systemach operacyjnych Windows XP, 7, Vista; 32 lub 64 bit.

Posted by Pavel Bosky 2010-06-12

SkryBot doMowy rozpoznawanie mowy na XP

Aktualna wersja instalacji z 20100606 działa w systemie Windows XP, instalacja nie działa w windows 7 oraz Vista. wkrótce udostępnimy wersję dla tych systemów.

Posted by Pavel Bosky 2010-06-10