
Site Fuel / News: Recent posts

Site Fuel restarted

I'm restarting the Site Fuel project. I plan to develop it at some what of a slow pace, but I've enlisted the help of another programmer, Mako, to work on it. We're currently working on a more advanced version of NIMe, our news script.

Posted by Mike Day 2003-09-13

NIMe v.0.5 released today

Okay v.0.5 was released. It fixes the problems of v.0.3 and adds new features. Note that it's still a beta, but technicly you could use it now if you wanted to.

Posted by Mike Day 2002-04-06

PHP Sessions suck

After trying to put sessions into NIMe and having lots of problems, I decided to use cookies manually. Problems solved :-) Expect NIMe v.0.5 to be released soon.

Posted by Mike Day 2002-04-05

uhh ignore the first release

it worked on my windows machine but it had lots of problems when i uploaded it... so uh don't download it, because it doesn't work

Posted by Mike Day 2002-03-25

First release of NIMe released today

NIMe v.0.3 was released today! It's ugly and lacks features, but it works! NIMe stands for News Input Method Engine. It's the news component of Site Fuel which contains features such as smily's, built in message board/comment system for each news article, full search capabuilitys, etc. Will work kinda like Slash Dot (

Posted by Mike Day 2002-03-25