
SIPp 2.0 released!

The SIPp contributors are happy to announce the availability of SIPp 2.0!
Since 1.1rc8, many new features and fixes, as well as tons of performance enhancements have been made.

You can get the full release notes there:
And you can download SIPp 2.0 from:

This is a major milestone for SIPp. Starting right now, several contributors will work to add a big set of new features and enhancements, especially to transform SIPp into the ultimate SIP benchmark tool. Stay tuned!

But first, let's celebrate the moment and thanks all the people that contributed to the 2.0 release (since 1.1rc8):
Juan Antonio Alvarez
Olivier Boulkroune from Atos Origin
Michael Dwyer from Cibation
Ben Evans from Open Cloud.
Michael Hirschbichler from Technische Universitaet Wien
Olivier Jacques from HP
F. Tarek Rogers from Cisco
Marc Van Diest from Belgacom
Dragos Vingarzan from Fokus
Charles P. Wright from IBM Research

This is not to forget everybody that contributed since 1.0 was released:
Alexandre Ajjan from Atos Origin
Frederique Aurouet
Lee Ballard from General Bandwidth
Joseph Bannino from Atos Origin
Wolfgang Beck
Venu Bellary
Sapan Bhatia
Michel de Boer from Alcatel-Lucent
Clement Chen
Ly Cong-Dung
Alexandr Dubovikov
Bruno Guerin from Atos Origin
Enrico Hartung from iptel
Peter Higginson from Newport Networks
Dmitriy Kargapolov
Nasir Khan.
Heikki Lindholm
Gerard Lyonnaz from HP
Mike Machado from Liveops
Lord Magnos
David Mansutti from HP
Kris Marsh
Scott McGlashan
Marco Miller
Shriram Natarajan from Personasoft
Amit On from Followap
Herve Pellan from HP
Lars Roland
Russel Roy
Martin Shaw
Guillaume Teissier from France Telecom R&D
Vlad Troyanker

Thanks everyone, and have fun with SIPp!
Olivier Jacques - HP

Posted by Olivier Jacques 2007-04-27

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