
Simuland / News: Recent posts

simuland - 13th november

Version b0.4 has now been released with major additions to it. Unfortunatly the back end script isn't ready yet but will hopefully be released before november 18th

Posted by darren robertson 2001-11-13

29th october simuland news

Work on the backend script is delayed, both the commerce and res simulation's are done and hopefully working correctly but i still have the industry section to do. Once that is done and work on the employment section is done then i'll make a sign up script and a warehouse script. A new world which will run 24/7 will be set up. This new world called 'new earth' will at first have very little working on it due to the lack of building's and product's in the database. This release will be version b0.4 and will be released as a patch to the previous version. Please note this will remove all data from current database's.... read more

Posted by darren robertson 2001-10-29

Latest - october 21st

Havn't had much time to do much lately but i have started working on the backend script which will be used to do the simulation of the game. Although this script will be working the detail's on it will need to be tested as there are certain variable's in it pertaining to the differrent population type's. Also a warehouse system was added though there is no front end where player's can buy in stuff, this will be created shortly.... read more

Posted by darren robertson 2001-10-21

new sql dump and documentation

2 new files were added, these are a new sql dump and documentation. Adding the sql dump to the current release will cause 1 or 2 problems as new things have been added, the only thing i can find at the moment is in the buyland.php file where the insert into the mysql db requires 5 more 0 's at the end (ie add ,0,0,0,0,0 ).
The documentation is just a rough over view of how things work and is reasonably small and is aimed at those wanting to help develop the game. The biggest help they have is an explaination of the current database structure which can be valuable to php coders.... read more

Posted by darren robertson 2001-09-10

web based version update 2

I have got more of the world interface done though getting ime to do it is hard. I have also uploaded the latest version which you can download and use. there isn't enough there to run the game but hopefully there those intereted can help in the development. Also it is around the time where the town names, buildings and products were added into the system so get thinking and email your suggestions to me at and i'll get a list up of all the ones that may go into the databse :)

Posted by darren robertson 2001-08-30

web based version update 1

The web based version is starting to develop nicly. is the working online version. Currently the login and world section is up and running though a lot of work still has to be done on the world section.

I will be zipping up and adding the current working version here in the next few days hopefully

Posted by darren robertson 2001-07-30

Latest develpments

It has been decided to make a website based version first due to a lack of developer support. If you would like to help please email puggy asap with your details.

Posted by darren robertson 2001-07-23

mysql and latest news

i have added a mysql dump file to the files section. this is jsut a rough version of the database for both the main db and the planet db and will change a lot. this is just to give you a rough idea of the strucure of the databases.
we are still looking for developers, mainly C and graphic developers so if your interested please email at and i'll get in touch with you asap.... read more

Posted by darren robertson 2001-06-28


i am currently looking for develpoers to help with this game. i will try to update the news here as often as possible, but most updates will be on the main site

Posted by darren robertson 2001-05-28