
SimpleASM Project / News: Recent posts

Basic ASM-Compiler released

Today ive released the source and binary of the planned compiler for the SimpleASM program. Its nothing more than a parser at the moment and theres still a lot of work to do ... so dont be dissapointed. Its released to give others a look into the source code structure of a compiler which is written with delphi an how to handle a console ...

Posted by onkeltorty 2004-12-11

Assembler fr Dummies released

Some time ago i started to write a tutorial for assembler beginners and today ive reached page 44. I think its time now to give it a first release so other can take a look into it. Its in Adobes portable document format (PDF) and its only available in the german language at the moment, but its within a lot of source code an i think that everybody can learn a lot from it ...

Posted by onkeltorty 2004-12-11

SimpleASM V0.04a released

Today ive finished some bugfixes and decided to release the new version 0.04a of the SimpleASM - program. Its also within a new office assistant feature which gives the program an MS-Office look and feel. Please take a look into the readme which appears at the begin of the Win32 - Installer for further informations ...

Posted by onkeltorty 2004-12-11

SimpleASM V0.03a released

V0.03a is released now. See the changes log for details.

Posted by onkeltorty 2004-09-05

SimpleASM V0.02a released

* Added a function to the MainMenu ->"Files" -> "SaveAll" menu entry. Program now is able to save
all opened source code files

* Added basic printing functionality to the program.
Note: There is still a bug in printing a selection of source code. I need to write a parser to
avoid the program just to append each line and put em to the SynEditPrint component... read more

Posted by onkeltorty 2004-08-21

Compiler / Linker planned

I started to work on a compiler / linker which understand s the standard MASM language. Its able to create a standard EXE with PE header(s) at the moment. I got to work out the sections and add some syntax check which will take some time from now ... if it reaches the beta version Im going to post the source code and I will include it into the SimpleASM V0.02a package

Posted by onkeltorty 2004-08-21