
Hyperic SIGAR / News: Recent posts

Hyperic SIGAR 1.5 Released

Hyperic SIGAR is the underrated cross-platform library utilized by Hyperic HQ to gather system-level metrics. SIGAR is a great toolkit for any project that looks to implement some sort of system-level stats gathering.

New in this release:

* PTQL impl ported from Java to C

* Added api for TCP-MIB metrics

* Added api for NFS client+server metrics

* Started bindings for Ruby, Python and PHP

* Bug fixes:

Posted by John Mark Walker 2008-02-01

New Release: Hyperic SIGAR 1.4

The latest release of SIGAR 1.4 is out! This fixes a couple of bugs, one of which affected User Mode Linux users wishing to get CPU info.

Download from

See docs at

SIGAR discussion forum:

Posted by Hyperic Team 2007-04-19

New Release: Hyperic SIGAR 1.3

SIGAR is a cross-platform API for system-level metrics. SIGAR allows Hyperic HQ, Hyperic's flagship software, to grab system metrics from a variety of platforms. SIGAR is written in Java and C.

A new release of Hyperic SIGAR is available now - SIGAR 1.3. In this release, new support has been added for VMware.

For all of the info on SIGAR:

To download:

Posted by Hyperic Team 2006-12-11