
Serpent Isle In French / News: Recent posts

si-french: new member and new release

Greeting all!

We are happy to announce a new member to the team. Welcome Duke999!
Duke has already done a lot of work in the proofreading and seems to be a valuable and motivated volunteer. We look forward to working along with you in this great translation project!

Also, we are happy to announce a new release of the patch to play Ultima VII: Serpent Isle, in French.
This patch is quite special, in that we updated the "fonts.vga" to support iso8859-1. Most of the additional characters have been implemented, which means you could also use it to create your own translation, provided your character coding is iso8859-a.
What this actually mean to you:
* spaces between the lines is a bit more reduced, although not as what the english fonts.vga is.
* usecode and text.flx must absolutely be patched to benefit from the new fonts.vga. Otherwise, accentuated letters won't appear.... read more

Posted by Aurelien Marchand 2004-06-10

Si-french: a web tool in construction

Greeting all!

I've been busy lately building a web tool to help in the translation/correction of Ultima 7 in a foreign language. This tool is already quite powerful even though it is not finished. I'll release it on sourceforge when I judge it ready. Basically this tool enable you to work on the translation on any computer as long as you have a connection to the net. All required is a browser.
This tool, tentatively called "le_tisane", features so far:
* edit of a usecode function with both language face to face
* auto-highlight of some english words (definable) for consistency checks (a infobox pops with the translated version of that word when you leave your mouse over for 1 s)
* toolbar with direct access to some sites for translation help (currently: french synonyms, french definitions, french conjugaisons, english defintions)
* export the data part of a usecode function
* status page for quick overview of usecode functions (includes description and more)... read more

Posted by Aurelien Marchand 2004-01-30

SI-french: new autopatch tool

To all Si-french users,
To ease the installation of si-french patches (patches to play Serpent Isle in French), a new tool has been created. It requires Perl to run but otherwise is pretty straightforward.
Read the documentation freshly written about it (included in the package) to learn more about the way to run it.
Thanks for your interest in Si-french!

Co-lead Si-french

Posted by Aurelien Marchand 2003-08-22

Serpent Isle in French: new daily updates

We are happy to announce a new daily update system for the patches to play Ultima VII Part II - Serpent Isle in French.

You can download the daily update of the patch at the following address:

You are warmly encouraged to report bugs using our BugTracker:

Thank you!
co-lead si-french

Posted by Aurelien Marchand 2003-06-19

Translation of Serpent Isle in French is done

After over a year of hard work, sweat, swear, and all other feelings you can think of, we are happy to announce that:

Serpent Isle is totally translated!

The patch is available immediately. The translation work involved:
* 8 translators from 4 different countries
* 1237 usecode functions, 734 of them holding relevant text to translate
* 2701 descriptions used in text.flx
* translating gumps like spellbook (and correcting its own mistakes)
* modifying fonts.vga to support more accents than french Black Gate did
* and countless hours of work... read more

Posted by Aurelien Marchand 2003-04-30

Si-french: nearly finished

To people interested in Serpent Isle (Ultima VII) in French,

It's getting finsihed really fast. Only 24 files to go. The goal is to have everything translated by the 5 of April, to coincide with the anniversary of the move to Sourceforge, one year ago.

Hopefully, we'll make it good and we'll it on time. As usual, we would like the most testers possible when the alpha release will be made. If you know some french and own Serpent Isle, please download the patch and test it.... read more

Posted by Aurelien Marchand 2003-03-04

SI-french: a new milestone

SI-french, the port in French of Serpent Isle (Ultima 7 part 2) has reached a new milestone lately with the release of version 0.5.0. Only 50 files are not yet translated, a big jump from 0.4.0.

We pray you to download our patch, test it and report any pb. You need the original game to be installed on your machine as well as Exult, the engine to play U7 on any OS (

Finally, just a note for those who already tried to d/l 0.5.0 prior to the 11th of November: there was an upload pb and the file was not complete, so you couldn't unzip it. The pb is now fixed and you can d/l and unzip without any pb.... read more

Posted by Aurelien Marchand 2002-11-11

Si-french: end of the road ahead

Today is released version 0.4.0 of si-french, the patch to translate your Serpent Isle data files in Francais. Just about 90 files or conversations are left to translate. This release is prepared with a new patching tool: patcher
Patcher enables us to prepare smaller patches and to insure your own original files for the patches. It is also faster and easier to use than our previous patching tool, ips.
To learn more about Si-french, please visit

Posted by Aurelien Marchand 2002-08-06

Si-french 0.3.0 released

This new release reflects the latest translations. Many more conversations, a few spelling mistakes corrected (there are still a lot of them). Less than 100 files are left to be translated!

Also in this release, we've added a patch for gumps.vga so that the spellbook and the spells are displayed in French!

More info on

Si-french team

Posted by Aurelien Marchand 2002-07-16

si-french: 173- to go

Great news: the translation continues and we are now doing the last 173 files. Although the ones left over are fairly large, we are progressing thanks to newly members in the translation team.

Posted by Aurelien Marchand 2002-05-13

+50% of usecode translated

The Si-french team is proud to announce that more than 50% of text-filled usecode functions are translated. Work is under way to finish the last 40% or so. Info at

Posted by Aurelien Marchand 2002-04-16