
ShowX / News: Recent posts

ShowX 0.4.0 Cherokee scheduled for next august 20

It's been a while without publishing any change arount ShowX, but now I'm happy to announce the Cherokee version of ShowX. I think I can upload it before august 20th.

Change log includes:

1.- Fixed sorting bug in ShowX.Web.WebControls.DataGrid control.
2.- Added read only capabilities to ShowX.Web.WebControls.DataGrid control.
3.- Added support for views (Xml mapping mode).
3.1.- Added support for views in ShowX.Web.WebControls.DataGrid control.
4.- Added custom Date format to ShowX.Web.WebControls.DataGrid control.
5.- Added support for reading configuration from a separately config file.
6.- Extract image files from embedded resources, so (ShowX.Web.WebControls.ProgressBar) images does not have to be distributed separately from main assembly (ASPNET user must have write permissions on application virtual directory). In the future, all showx resources will be saved on a (configurable) directory, so you only have to grant access to this special directory.
7.- Added support for percent properties in Xml mapping model.
7.1.- Added support for percent properties in ShowX.Web.WebControls.DataGrid control.
8.- Added nunit2report reporting.
8.1.- Added nant build file to support nunit2report task.
9.- Added Clover.NET code coverage.
10.- Added item-style attribute in class mapping.
11.- Adding context information to WebControls and model.... read more

Posted by Jesus Diaz 2005-08-09

ShowX Web Samples 0.3.0 released!

Along with Cyrillic ShowX, a new version of the Web Samples packages is released. This time, samples are split by ShowX version, so it is easy to find and locate an special ShowX feature.

Happy sampling!

Posted by Jesus Diaz 2005-04-16

ShowX-0.3.0 (Cyrillic) released!

Version 0.3.0 of ShowX library is already released! New changes and features include support for collection properties and special treatment to DateTime fields. Starting with this version, ShowX is distributed under LGPL license, to allow a wide use of library.

Documentation is updated too, and the first running test is included (testing units are NUnit based).

Posted by Jesus Diaz 2005-04-16

ShowXWebSamples 0.2.0 released!

Along with version 0.2.0 of ShowX library, the Web sample package is released, including index and samples for any supported control.

Posted by Jesus Diaz 2005-04-09

ShowX 0.2.0 Released!

A new version of the ShowX library is released, now with XML mapping mode support and configuration read from aplication .config file.

Next steps involve mapping of collections, and reading configuration from a separate config file.

Posted by Jesus Diaz 2005-04-09

ShowX-WebSamples-0.1.0 Released!

Jointly with the release of ShowX-0.1.0, the Web Control Samples are delivered for this version of the library. Equally, this is the first release of samples, and they numbered only one.

By using samples, you can understand better how ShowX works. At this time, samples are the best documentation we can affort.

Posted by Jesus Diaz 2005-03-05

ShowX-0.1.0 released!

The first version of ShowX is released. It's a minimal part of the hole system we foresee, but it's a start. We encourage people to use it, if they consider useful, and to send comments, sugesstions and the more. We encourage people to join us as developers too! If you want to participate, and don't know where to start, review Task list.

Posted by Jesus Diaz 2005-03-05